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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. of course Craig is guilty until proven innocent
  2. yes, we're doing such a great job now. no discipline, no expectations. and parents that refuse to admit that their little darling is capable of any wrong or should be punished in any way, shape or manner for anything they do in school. from one extreme to the other.
  3. or Sister Mercy's wooden ruler across his knuckles.
  4. he could have benefited from a few visits to the vice principle's office.
  5. good point. usually when they cite poverty statistics (# of americans below the poverty line) they play similar games and don't include credits, transfer payments, welfare, food stamps, etc.
  6. you lucky dog - built up equity. the taxes and tax breaks can indeed be offsetting, although some of us benefit more than others...
  7. I stand corrected. He did mean $$
  9. I actually plan to have my parents/inlaws move in to our crap-filled mansion as soon as one of them can't live independently.
  10. I think he means "pay for it" as per damage to the environment/carbon foot print, etc. I don't think hot carl has any bratly or snotly's (that he knows of). :-O
  11. If it was definitely a mansion in its day! The average sq ft of the American house has doubled compared to 1950. YES BUT BILL CLINTON WANTED TO HELP US CROSS THAT BRIDGE INTO THE 21ST CENTURY! ARE YOU SAYING YOU NOW FAVOR BOB DOLE'S APPROACH OF BACK TO THE FUTURE??!! WTF, OLYCLIMBER!!!
  12. She needs more space for her S&M toys.
  13. Who's talking about failing grades? There are too many A's and B's given out. That's why someone as dumb as Ms. Teen USA can have a 3.5 (if the claim above is actually true). I don't like the idea of a straight curve - some threshold for an A and B that is reasonable could result in more A's and B's, but we are nowhere near that threshold. As for your story about reading assignments - well, I met an undergrad at the UW, who had a 3.5 high school GPA and had NEVER FINISHED reading a novel cover to cover. Ever. Certainly getting a C instead of a B could have parent on the phone being just as angry... I want to make it clear that I whole-heartedly support raising the standard across the board...but to do this there has to be a will not only amongst teachers, but amongst parents. Parents need to demand the best education of their child as possible. They need to demand it from teachers and politicians and from their community. And they have to understand that by demanding the best education, the schools will always challenge their children to be better. This means that school won't be easy -- or always fun -- for any child. I'm not sure parents really want to demand that...because it would make them accountable too. Jason Isn't there a pill or something that you could give kids that would make them smart?
  14. Say what's really on your mind, Archie!!!
  15. Jason: I agree about much of what you have said, and I don't mean to nitpick, but its not accurate to state that "both political parties like No Child Left Behind." Watch any of the Democratic presidential candidates' debates and you'll see near-unanimity that NCLB needs at best an overhaul... if not totally scrapped. Was that Bush's AND Ted Kennedy's spawn?
  16. As I said before I agree with you up to a point. I don't know who needs a 4000 sq ft house. But I don't think 4-5 people in a 2500-3000 sq ft house is out of line. But 1-2? Yes. It's all relative. I moved into Snohomish 8 years ago. Most of the new homes were 3-4 bedroom homes with 1700-2000 sq feet. Not 4000 sq ft as you cited - don't know where you are getting that from...
  17. Who's talking about failing grades? There are too many A's and B's given out. That's why someone as dumb as Ms. Teen USA can have a 3.5 (if the claim above is actually true). I don't like the idea of a straight curve - some threshold for an A and B that is reasonable could result in more A's and B's, but we are nowhere near that threshold. As for your story about reading assignments - well, I met an undergrad at the UW, who had a 3.5 high school GPA and had NEVER FINISHED reading a novel cover to cover. Ever.
  18. mvn clean build mvn tomcat:deploy spray repeat
  19. olyclimber, I give up, you are indeed so much more moral than me or any American who has a bigger house than you. you stand on a pedestal of moral superiority for your personal life choices, which must be emulated by all Americans or be condemned to eternal damnation. your lack of consumerism in any way, shape or form should indeed be obvious to all. you are good, and pure as virgin snow. everyone with a bigger home than you is pure, unadulterated evil, surrounded by crap, which they have bought to fill up the void of their soul as symbolized by their largeĀ® home (than you own). you should be made the czar of sparse, economic, clutter-free living under the next administration, and engage in a war on consumerism, funded by tax payer dollars and enforceable by anti-walmart death squads.
  20. Likewise! Enjoy your cams, ropes, ice axes and tools, ice screws, slings, harnesses, helmets and other consumer shit you buy to support your sport, bub.
  21. Sorry, bub, but you miss the point. You are selectively attacking Americans for their WASTE and FATNESS, of which you are just as WASTEFUL and FAT. The CRAP they fill their big homes with is no different from the CRAP you buy for yourself or the WASTE you expend to pursue your rich-man's sport. How convenient for you to try to focus on another man's splinter, while ignoring the log in your own eye. And my house is not full of crap, sir.
  22. What's the matter, Dru - you don't rate?
  23. You are a hypocrite because you buy useless crap that you don't need. Luxury items of a fat, rich, energy consuming nation. Your crap contributes unnecessarily to the carbon footprint of the world. And consider all the gas you burn driving to your crags and trail heads as you engage in your rich-man's sport. You're no different than any other American, you moralizing posturing hypocrite. How do you like them apples?
  24. you caught yourself in your hypocrisy. good boy!
  25. Crap? You mean like climbing gear right? The sport of the rich, with high-priced luxury items made of space-age materials, light-weight alloys, synthetic fibers, and so on? Or your shit don't stink?
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