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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. I'm trying to decide if I'll buy and grill my Dad a Filet Mignon separately, or trick him and tell him the meat in the shashlik is not lamb...
  2. Did you file the TPS report?
  3. +1 Also, Elysian IPA and Bridgeport IPA
  4. many of those parents don't have lawyers, but those lawyers are just looking for an ambulance to chase and readily available. like flies on shit.
  5. This kind of thing is happening for one major reason - lawsuits, or fear of them. Most teachers would be fine with letting kids play tag etc, but parents (most people in general) these days carry their attorneys phone number around with them and are quick to pull it out any time they believe their kid is "getting picked on". The trigger word unfortunately is "harassment". Unfortunately, this is the predominate force behind setting up policy for most organizations these days, not intelligence or common sense. As I said - it's the lawyers' fault. They are scum who suck all joy out of our lives.
  6. No, he's saying "Some animals are more equal than others".
  7. Amen, sister. Exactly what I was trying to get across to Olyclimber the other day. I nominate you for POTD
  8. Parents are in town. So, entertain them. Probably take the kids for a 6-10 mile hike somewhere one day. Barbecue one day with parents AND inlaws - maybe shashlik, spanakopita, zakusky etc with vodka or armenian brandy and/or kindzmarauli... decisions, decisions.
  9. Good man!
  10. It's the lawyers' fault.
  11. I'd rather live in Canada. Or France. That says a lot.
  12. Poor planning. The glass is twice as big as it needs to be. He supersized it.
  13. I'll take a look on Amazon...
  14. Christianity? It's in the Torah... and I would not be surprised if the Muslims have it in the Q'uran as well.
  15. You'd probably get hired in about 6 hours and qualify for a paid move if you decided to look in the greater Boston area. I could never live anywhere East of the rockies... don't know how you do it, Jay.
  16. Pehaps you meant Phil Collins. Man, you just don't hear enough Phil Collins these days. Forget that new wave shit. Metal was king - Iron Maiden, Priest, and the Crue.
  17. A very, very smart man. And he's not afraid to have real discussions with those he disagrees with. I certainly don't agree with the guy 100% of the time (probably more like 65%), but he's a good listen.
  18. A friend of mine is in the same boat. A very solid researcher in biotech who was consulting for years and finally was unemployed has had a hell of a time finding work. Biotech in Seattle seems to have died slowly over the last 5 years. I used to be in the industry and wish I still were, but the jobs are not there, so I switched to plain old vanilla software dev - not as intellectually interesting or technologically as cool - that's for sure. I miss the days where I actually wrote software whose domain could keep my intellectual flame lit. Good luck, man!
  19. Get a life, boner.
  20. Welcome to the club... been there, done that. BTW, 1500?? WTF? Have you shopped around? Apply for coverage yourself - COBRA is likely far more expensive.
  21. Channel surf cable or satellite... you'll find a bible thumper.
  22. pictures!
  23. daily, you post incoherent babble
  24. Just wait until Billary tries to nationalize health care again.
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