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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Good times!
  2. There is no Hell; there is only France. Frank Zappa
  3. What would our definition of Hell be? a sysiphean ascent of some useless choss-pile in a rainstorm with air temp of 33 degrees?
  4. We might need a government program to stop the flood of the toxic and defective products from China. The story reports that defective condoms were provided from China to the health department. Interesting. If I did that, wouldn't that be a crime called fraud? But it's OK if... All products from China are toxic... to our economy. At the rate we are going, China will hold all the cards soon. Time for a gov't program to educate us about how buying the cheapest crap, and the most crap might not be the best idea...
  5. again with the oversimplifications - you are a classic - moron, that is. I'm not adverse to reasonable levels of taxation (like the current levels, for example), but would like to see better ROI on what we spend our money on - that goes across the board. I believe in limited gov't not NO gov't as the Libertarian Party seems to advocate in the US (they are way too extreme). And I don't want to smoke pot, although I don't mind letting people smoke it who want to.
  6. I'm not a Republican, you dip shit. As I said above.
  7. A real conservative would use the proper word "preventive" - it conserves two letters. I'm a libertarian. Now go lick sack.
  8. Does he REQUIRE that lardasses go on a reasonable diet and exercise too? That would be the best preventative care.
  9. your reality =
  10. Wrong thread. That line belongs in the cc.com cliches thread. As does *everything* posted by "No. 13 Baby" and "Winter"
  11. onanism
  12. it depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is.
  13. lick sack, assclowns!
  14. you aren't missing much:
  15. STFU, nOOb!
  16. I had some yummy ones on the trail up Snoqualmie mountain yesterday...
  17. your diatribe has single-handledly convinced me that we do indeed need more gun control
  18. You really are a lizard brain...
  19. (time to summit) / BMI would make more sense... you get credit for being fat...
  20. KaskadskyjKozak


    Somehow methinks he wrestles that way with Pink...
  21. Kevbone and "thought"... absurdity of the day
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