Not true at all.
Statistically, there is a strong correlation between intelligence and higher education, especially post-graduate degrees. The correlation is even stronger w/r/t tier-one schools. And I'm sure Bush's credentials compared to those of a huge chunk of the participants on this forum will bear those statistics out - with only a very few counterexamples. But, taking that aside, Bush's malapropisms and mangled statements are no worse than those of the average smug, arrogant, Bush-hating detractor on this internet forum. And it's ironic to listen to some vitriol spewing dimwit with no higher education dismiss Bush's educational pedigree as "meaningless" (a la No. 13 and Adam 13).
Bush's intelligence or supposed lack thereof has been discussed ad nauseum both here and elsewhere. The fact is, he is a highly educated man with above average intelligence. He's obviously not in the 99th percentile but I don't really want a quantum physicist running this country (or our dear Gary Yngwe for that mattter) for the very reasons stated by you - high intelligence often does not map to practicality in the real world. But you can be damn sure that neither Gore nor Kerrey is much different in intelligence than Bush (in Huxleyan terms they are all typical BETAs and nothing more). To state otherwise is a laughable claim easily explained away by rose-colored glasses tinted by political group-think.