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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. (Archie should recognize these lyrics) You have to prove That you're not scared Enter the cage Take the dare Screaming death In the beast's lair You couldn't read the signs DON'T FEED THE BEARS Don't go in there You best beware Don't feed the bears Stupid fool You should have known That's some place you shouldn't go Polar giant on you Blood starts to flow They belong not in a cage But in the fucking snow Don't go in there You best beware And please don't feed the fucking bears!
  2. Canadian women? Well that's ok then.
  3. I wonder if he saved it for a memento... like Monica's dress
  4. if your idea of a "party" is smoking a doobie, downing a few shots of vodka with your "bros" then going to the zoo to taunt animals... well, you need a big "L" tatooed on your forehead
  5. Umm. No he doesn't.
  6. if screwing your tits didn't make me gay, i don't think affectations such as "oh my" will, honey bunch. now i get to go to work, gripper boy. booyea. how was the gym last night?
  7. Amen, Cocoa. Things aren't perfect, but they aren't awful either. And they will not change much with any D or R installed as our 44th president - at least from the current crop running.
  8. We can, to a very large part, thank Jimmy for the overthrow of the Shah, the return of Khomeini, and a lot of our current problems with Iran.
  9. Who held the purse strings? All spending bills originate where? A bullshit argument in Reagan's case. Aside from the fact that presidential vetoes are very hard to override, the (defense) spending at that time was fully supported by Reagan. As for Carter, he's remembered for the oil embargo, economic stagnation, and a botched hostage rescue. The dismal economic situation was an inevitable byproduct of the out of control spending for the Vietnam war: any president would have suffered the same fate there. The oil embargo resulted in Carter pushing energy independence: had Reagan not dismantled his programs, we'd probably be much better off than we are now as a country (and a planet). And as for the hostage rescue; that was one small, failed mission, albeit embarrassing, not the two lost wars we currently face. What has been forgotten is that Carter was also the originator of a middle eastern rapid deployment force, which later allowed us to gain a quick Desert Storm victory. You remember what you want to remember. I remember Carter was, and remains the most conservative Christina president EVER! Yes, an ordained minister..... I remember the USSR invation and ocupation of Afganistan, and that allowed the rise of the Taliban.... I remember Carter's goofy brother, and getting attacked by a killer rabbit. ;-)
  10. didn't see it in the linked article. yeah, that sucks. the cat helped do its part in the evolutionary process, and weed out the herd. oh well.
  11. you're back on ignore. this time for good.
  12. Yes, the liberal media does its best to magnify and exaggerate all problems when the R's are in power, and gloss over the same problems when "their side" is in power - even when the problems are worse under D's. It's par for the course.
  13. why does it suck for the cat? are they going to euthanize the animal? if not, at least the cat got some grub. :-)
  14. Who held the purse strings? All spending bills originate where?
  15. that is so wrong
  16. maybe he fell onto a picket fence?
  17. yes, that was the joke. :-)
  18. i thought christians were supposed to be loving and charitable? why don't you figure out why she was crying, instead of being a sinner? she's a crocodile your partisanship will allow you no other possibility. it's a joke, man, jeez
  19. i thought christians were supposed to be loving and charitable? why don't you figure out why she was crying, instead of being a sinner? she's a crocodile
  20. Stop the presses! Jim is voting for a Democrat! It took 7 years of Bush to make him take this drastic step!
  21. it's all Greek to me i know we're on different sides of the fence on this issue, but what cracks me up is running into down and out paid signature collectors trying to get you to support the elimination of estate taxes and other such taxes that support the very infrastructure that the down and out might use to give their lives a little help. i was just making a joke about your use of hoi polloi. :-)
  22. well, my 401(k) looks like shit, that's for sure.
  23. gee, stocks went down?!?!? OMG! That never happens. Stocks only go up.
  24. Thanks for the reality dose. The "mortgage market regulatory protection" you speak of is only the tip of the iceberg with regard to a whole host of deregulatory policies that have enriched corporate finance capital while increasing economic instability and possibility of widespread damage. let's resurrect a dead thread and babble about the same old political crap.
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