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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. I'm enjoying the Balvenie 12 y.o. Double Wood right now. I think it is on sale... and so is Black Bush, Red Breast, and Black Bush single malt. I may be picking up a bottle of the latter to try. Glenfiddich is on sale now, at least here on the east side. Try the mini first (I don't think Glenfiddich is very good - YMMV)
  2. Hey look, it's Kevbone on the far right!
  3. Interesting choice of historical figures, especially considering the more apt analogy would be of j_b as the disenfranchised outsider looking to overthrow the establishment with whatever means are necessary to justify your ends, and yours truly as the "conservative" striving to maintain and justify the status quo (that is Rome).
  4. Guys Minx....he just called you guy! Ban? Nobody will ever make the mistake of calling you a guy.
  5. TMI Tipping dangerously close to spray, here, fellas... Please respect the OP's request. Thank you, and we now return to your regularly scheduled program. lighten up, man, it's friendly joking. 5K, sense sarcasm, will ya? Note the underlined sentence. an emoticon would have made your point clear.
  6. Based on the flow of the thread, and the nesting of quotes, it's obvious I was referring to Tomtom. Furthermore, I have told you so. Your denial of your mistake only makes you look like a fool. Congrats for being the spray-jester once again.
  7. Your mind will never be invaded Glad we agree on something! Funny, how you stopped posting as BMoore, once you were outed, KB. :-))
  8. I note that you didn't deny it and I recall you as being pretty far to the right. An independent moderate looks far to the right to someone as far out in left field as yourself. Yes, I responded to j_b (an extreme leftie) accusations against Tomtom (doubtful he's a right-wing extremist) You lose.
  9. No, I did not. I implied that perhaps Tomtom was not a right-winger. You lose. Again.
  10. Your mind will never be invaded... just as the vacuum of outerspace will never be invaded.
  11. You assume wrong. I never defined myself as moderate. I never called anyone a moderate. I only pointed out that to a left-wing extremist a *moderate* appears to be a right wing extremist. So, keep on with your bad self.
  12. General (but obvious) tip: don't carry too much water.
  13. TMI Tipping dangerously close to spray, here, fellas... Please respect the OP's request. Thank you, and we now return to your regularly scheduled program. lighten up, man, it's friendly joking.
  14. that's what makes the linear scale so inadequate. in reality, moderates don't make hard lefts and hard rights, they make less severe turns here and there, which are only identified as "hard" turns by those on the extreme opposite, kool-aid drinking club
  15. I assume that's a rhetorical you...
  16. actually, it's pretty obvious what constitutes a moderate versus a hard leftie or rightie, but hey whatever floats your boat
  17. don't hate the playa, hate the game
  19. Guys, please, I'm trying to eat lunch here.
  20. Of course nobody is talking about this: linky It's a good thing, the immoral monster Spitzer stepped down so a moral person could step in!
  21. use lip balm with sunscreen protection around your nostrils. It will stay on better than sunscreen and keep you from chapping/burning/peeling better
  22. TMI
  23. ????????????????
  24. Go fuck yourself, asshole.
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