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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. that's what snow is for no, snow in alaska is for pouring tequila and lemon-lime gatorade mix over mixers are for lightweights.
  2. that's what snow is for
  3. Whoa accounting classes for chicks? Did your school not have communications as a major? Or are you into chicks that are "talented" and have "good personalities"?
  4. But do you prefer German or French technique?
  5. no wonder you spend so much time in Spray; the entertainment is endless.
  6. i'd actually support this, especially if, in spanish, more than 1 of the 3 r's actually started with a fucking r! Yeah, what we need are children who are illiterate in *two* languages. Such great ROI from our public school system.
  7. it's well-placed self-loathing.
  8. For one thing, they speak Chinese. FUCK! I just lost some of my Dr. Pepper thru my nose!
  9. Look back at the thread. Let's just edit your comments a bit:
  10. For one thing, they speak Chinese.
  11. I'll add that climbing club courses are good if you are a complete novice. The more you've done in the outdoors (e.g. backpacking, or sports climbing/cragging), the more slow paced you'll find things, and might be better picking things up from a mentor.
  12. Behold! The wit and wisdom of mattp!: Wisdom? I call it pure, unadulterated hypocrisy. Par for the course.
  13. yeah, he should have been crucified it's times like these when I think the Inquisition was not such a bad idea - for people like *you*.
  14. more selective indignation - you were so outraged when the dude who posted for climbing for Christ was hammered.
  15. What do you want to climb? Snow slogs? Sport? Trad? Alpine? Ice?
  16. I would submit you don't know a damn thing what the Chinese leadership is preparing for or not, so that is worthless speculation on your part. I suspect otherwise, based on obvious evidence seen daily, but have no interest in researching it for you. The fact is: China is currently actively and openly preparing for war with Taiwan. They have a 4+ year count down to war time frame which they have announced internally. This has not been publicized or discussed by our gov't for public consumption here as it would give us less wiggle room diplomatically. Do you not wonder what the US will do when this inevitably occurs? Shockingly: most other countries in SE Asia currently believe that China would currently win a war with the US. This will become more pronounced as they increase their capabilities via the transfer of dollars from consumers. The Chinese should be our allies, yet our hegemony and various poor forigon policy blunders scares them. I suspect that a conflict over resources will sadly occur eventually, as it did with Japan during WW2. How would China taking Taiwan pose a national security threat to the US? Sure, it would set a bad tone on the international stage. It could be an opening salvo to Chinese hegemony in the east. But, what effect does it really have on us here?
  17. The nuclear arms race did not result in a nuclear war, or even a major conventional conflict, which is what Einstein was warning against with that quotation.
  18. just you wait and see
  19. no more stop signs speedin' limits no body's gonna slow me down
  20. Naturally, I'm quite relieved to hear that, Chuck. Since this is nothing personal, I'm obliged to inform you that there are several instances of posters making slightly off-topic contributions without the thread author's stated consent in one or more threads in each of the 1597 other pages in this forum, and I expect that you'll bring the same highminded impartiality to the task of retroactively correcting them in those cases where their behavior deviates from your personal standards of etiquette that you displayed here... PEACE ON SPRAY IS SHORT-LIVED. WE ARE A WAR-LIKE PEOPLE, DESPITE AFFECTATIONS, PONTIFICATIONS, AND PROTESTATIONS TO THE CONTRARY.
  21. stop and go and lots of lane changes noticably slows traffic. If everyone just went the same speed (even if it was only 20 mph) it would be a lot better.
  22. You've taken a convenient "unambiguous" position when the results are unknown w/r/t alternatives. It is not as simple as you suggest - then or now.
  23. but how can you argue against the results? we went from having practically zero army to having the best military on the earth! what's the point of having all that ocean between us and the evil-doers if we can't just chill out and drink beer all day? The results? We were not even prepared to fight in Europe until like 1943. And in the meantime, the Nazis killed millions and the Brits suffered horribly standing their ground.
  24. Ah yes, Patton - strung up by the press for striking a soldier. How ethics have changed. " The difficulty in understanding the Russian is that we do not take cognizance of the fact that he is not a European, but an Asiatic, and therefore thinks deviously. We can no more understand a Russian than a Chinese or a Japanese, and from what I have seen of them, I have no particular desire to understand them except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. In addition to his other amiable characteristics, the Russian has no regard for human life and they are all out sons-of-bitches, barbarians, and chronic drunks." – George S. Patton
  25. No, we should have launched an even bigger invasion of russia just post WWI to eliminate the cold war threat. As Patton stated so well a few years later.
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