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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. How about a good Polish Vodka instead?! That's an oxymoron. Oh whatever... you wouldn't know good Polish vodka if it came up and bit you in the ass. Go find you sippy cup while the adults drink I was hoping to ruffle GGK's feathers. You know damn well the "friendly" competition about who makes the best vodka and who originated borshch.
  2. So lemme get this straight - you like what California gets from all of its high taxes - you just don't want to pay them. I want, I want, I want you sound like a libtard KKK How's the emigration process going?
  3. I find roads in Montana to be better than WA: linky
  4. So lemme get this straight - you like what California gets from all of its high taxes - you just don't want to pay them. I like ROI. Damn you are one slow fucker.
  5. KaskadskyjKozak


    Maybe when I get to 10000 posts. I'm slow that way.
  6. KaskadskyjKozak


    She's smart enough to take a vacation from the peanut gallery once in a while.
  7. Are you kidding? Our roads are pretty damn amazing if you ask me. By all accounts we've let maintenance of our infrastructure slide in recent years and I'm no traffic engineer but I have traveled a fair bit and I can't think of anywhere that the roads are vastly better than ours. Yes, there are some pretty sweet highways in Europe, but they pay more in taxes and much less of them actually drive on the roads than we do. Is that what you want? You are joking, right? Roads in WA suck ass. When I moved here from CA, it was obvious. And whenever I leave the state it is immediately noticeable. And I believe Hugh Cockway was talking about the 520 bridge replacement, BTW. I was answering with all the taxes we pay for these big projects - already - and what do we get in return? Shit.
  8. sure, MattP, whatever you say.
  9. Printed in China in black and white... and now re(a)d all over...
  10. Try putting a new tarp and fresh boughs on the roof. Curb appeal is everything. Also, you might want to get rid of those three wrecks in your front yard. Just sayin'...
  11. How about a good Polish Vodka instead?! That's an oxymoron.
  12. Sounds like WA State residents bitching they can't afford to pay for roads WE already pay for them. And get shit in return. Alaska gets free bridges to nowhere though.
  13. Just curious, but do any of you actually know anybody from this part of the world? Or talked about this conflict with anyone from "over there"?
  14. Canada will have their share before the games are over. If the Chinese don't cheat much more than they are, that is.
  15. I know a lot of "poor" people with a fishing boat, 2 cars, a house, and the funds to buy gasoline, cigarettes, and plenty of beer. But they can't afford health insurance. Or there house payment. What this country needs is a higher standard of education. You are the poster boy for this argument.
  16. the president praying has nothing to do w/ the separation of church and state... but it does have everything to do w/ his freedom of religion. ever heard of that? If he prays, then gets a message from God and acts on it, that is not a separation of church and state. He better not be praying the oval office. At least not on our time. You're such a stupid ass, boner, really. You want to bet that Clinton did not pray while in office? On YOUR time? And Carter? Kennedy? Johnson? FDR? Truman? You think they were atheists? All of them religious. All of them corrupt fuckheads toeing the same corrupt political line. Hmmmmm. What is your point? Are you suggesting that Christians "should" be more pure? Would that it were true. Alas, I am as impure as you. I just keep trying to tap into that connection and get back on track. Meanwhile, lets look at the self proclaimed atheists who have governed large countries.... Stalin, Lennon? Oh take me back to Nirvanna! Lennon ran a large country? Holy shit! Just imagine!
  17. Bush wants to make himself Caesar to "protect the Republic" That's funny, it's seems that that's the D's modus operandi. And they've found a Caesar.
  18. I know a lot of "poor" people with a fishing boat, 2 cars, a house, and the funds to buy gasoline, cigarettes, and plenty of beer. But they can't afford health insurance.
  19. no shit. :-(
  20. every tr needs pics. otherwise it sucks.
  21. No shit! I would have never guessed!!!
  22. we'll throw a hissy fit.
  23. You're certainly as narcissistic, and hopeless as Nero. No sir. Unlike you, I'm just never disappointed. Hey, how's the anger management going? keep looking for diversions to keep your mind off the truth.
  24. Nope. I'm questioning your term "transfer payment." Nope, you're playing lawyer's games. As usual. This is why FW gets tired of engaging w/ you in a discussion, as do I.
  25. You're certainly as narcissistic, and hopeless as Nero.
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