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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. No need to worry about coded messages from you and your fellow libtards. Your racism is clear and unambiguous.
  2. I'll take plastic bags, thanks.
  3. many
  5. My Escort cost under $8000 in 1989, and lasted until 2000, when I traded it in for $1000. It had 105,000 miles on it, and no major problems.
  6. Talk to Ivan - he hates everyone. I'm sure he can help you spread the hate.
  7. It's great to have such "community organizations" out there!
  8. It's only a lesbaru if a dude drives it. ;-)
  9. Bullshit. We aren't talking about people merely "mentioning" race. The typical racist libtard on this forum repeatedly drops racial slurs left and right - and it sure comes easy for him. The typical racist on this board sees everything in terms of race and constantly tries to interject race into every political topic, accusing the "other" side of being racist while simultaneously being the one who interjected race into the conversation in the first place. And by "interjection" I mean saying shit like "angry white men hate brown people". Read any post by that dip-shit No 13 for a perfect illustration.
  10. A Ford beats a lesbaru any day of the week.
  11. I took my three boys (ages 11, 9, and 7) up the higher of Hidden Lakes Peaks yesterday. We took the trail until around 6100 feet, then cut left directly uphill. We alternated between easy off-trail hiking and some class 2 scrambling. There were a few harder moves, especially near the top. We opted to scramble down to the saddle between this peak and its lower, more popular neighbor (the one with the lookout). This involved a lot of class 2 with a few harder moves. Staying right on the ridge had a little bit of exposure here and there. Since it was a school night and already around 3:30 pm we skipped the trail up to the lookout and hiked out on the trail. If you have kids that are pros at hiking, this is a great one to do. The scrambling is a blast for the little guys. And the views are fantastic (especially of Eldorado and the Triad).
  12. The only white outrage I see comes from left-wing radicals like you.
  13. Where do you think our medicines, and our doctors and nurses come from? Sociology majors? Communications? Keep telling yourself you are studying something important Prole. But be sure you can afford to pay your loans back while flipping burgers.
  14. OH MY GOD! OBAMA DISSED THE W.A.S.Ps AND KISSED THE BROWN PEOPLE AND THE COMMIES!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU NEED ANYMORE PROOF OBAMA IS A BROWN COMMIE? "Brown" people? As usual, with you racist libtards, a slur or ethnic designation is the first thing into your "mind" and out of your mouth.
  15. Those are useful subjects. Consequently, they don't interest you in the least.
  16. I grow weary of the pigeon-holing bullshit. If Bug wants to imply that as a conservative, I don't care about education and am uneducated myself I will certainly tell him he is full of shit. I already implied what I am measuring. Our students can't read or write in their native tongue as can our counterparts in other industrialized nations, don't understand math or science as well, can not point out where they (or others) live on a globe yet alone know anything about the people living there, and then there is the collective lack of historical knowledge...
  17. We score worse in Math and Science than almost every industrialized nation and have done so for decades. Our kids don't know shit about History or Geography, just to name a few subjects we lack in - woefully. Yes, or GNP/GDP is great - we are a large country with a lot of talent, but that talent is focused on the top, just like our Health Care, right? And we import all the talent we home-grow, as I am certain you can attest to by looking around at your co-workers. I am as pro-education as you get, and am sure I exceed your educational background in both scope (breadth) and knowledge (depth) on balance, so piss off, dung-beetle.
  18. cant comment on teachers unions. teachers but more than unions, teachers need wages available to make it a noteworthy profession both in nobility and salary how many people do you know who would make amazing educators and even expressed a past desire to do so but went down a different carreer path because of pay? i know several. Interestingly, we pay more per student than any other industrialized country and get the lowest ROI. Kind of like Health Care. Yet, nationalizing Health Care (like we've nationalized public schools) will somehow work...
  19. Unfortunately, it is not hard to find you. Kind of like finding shit on your tennis shoes after walking through a dog-run at a park.
  20. Did OJ ever find the *real* killer?
  21. dude, I can't tell you how many times I've stapled myself in the forehead with my red Swingline. it was intentional though.
  22. Maybe the R's could have swung more votes if they went with "John 'Mack-Daddy' McCain" instead of the "the Maverick"?
  23. Actually I was here in the real WA, enjoying the weather. FOAD, libtard bitch!
  24. Interesting, my Ford Escort served me well for 10+ years. Never had any problems outside of normal wear and tear (brake pads, car battery, tires, timing chain, etc). You, and all the other libtards bashing on Ford, should love them and GM, Dru. They are UNION shops after all. You know, the workers came together there and fought for their benefits and retirement packages, conditions of work, work week, etc. And they produce the best quality product they can - much better than if they were not unionized. Right? Or maybe supporting unions and bitching about capitalism is just a smokescreen for the chronically hypocritical (a.k.a. libtards).
  25. I just think you are are a tool. My kind bleeds and die for your kind to make a "bonus" Go fuck your self. BTW, with out us, you would still be shitting in an out house. But: On another note, I am sure whatever shitty industry you work in, without the "Union" I am sure there are hordes of educated, trained and seasoned workers at your disposal that will take that generous $8.50 an hour job that those rip off "union" guys have been doing. Was your car built in a union shop?
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