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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Just that or or cap gains and other taxes too? How about tying the top marginal tax rate to the economy: 39% when a set of economic indicators falls below some threshold (below meaning a weak economy, like now), and 35% when it exceeds those threshold. I would like to know how much money this would net the gov't though before signing off. 50 billion? 100? 500?
  2. Quantify "enough".
  3. KaskadskyjKozak


    Yes, I had to do a double take on that flaming debris.
  4. Yea, congress keeps giving themselves bigger and bigger salaries and sweeter benefits. f-ing rich f-s! That's nice. How about a comment on Mr. Buffet's contention...you know, for a little less boring repetition on your part? Just this once.... The broken record is "the rich don't pay enough, the rich don't pay enough". What is "enough"? Why don't you quantify. 35% top marginal goes back to 39.6 and suddenly that's 'enough'? It's just a left-wing talking point - you can always use the "rich" as political rhetoric and leverage people's emotions and jealousy to make the claim that it's just not fair. As for Buffet he is perfectly free to donate whatever money he feels he doesn't need right to the federal coffers - nothing is stopping him.
  5. KaskadskyjKozak


    never waste a crisis, ivan? i'm an atheist to be sure, but hardly a crusading one as that'd be...uh..retarded. ya'll are free to draw your own conclusions, so long as you leave me out of them I do agree with your quote... the sea is madness. I watch shit like this and am kind of energized and terrified at the same time at the power of nature and glad to be at a distance... kind of like watching a serac break loose... I've been in my share of 6.x magnitude quakes in Cali (and one here in Seattle) and can only imagine what kind of shit an 8.9 does. Footage of that water swell in Japan was mesmerizing.
  6. Yea, congress keeps giving themselves bigger and bigger salaries and sweeter benefits. f-ing rich f-s!
  7. KaskadskyjKozak


    you are a one track record. boring.
  8. KaskadskyjKozak


    never waste a crisis, ivan?
  9. so true but usually = funny! not.
  10. which will be one and same if j_b and prole have their way. just think how wages and pensions will be with 100% government employment and nobody in the public sector to tax!
  11. It doesn't work that way anymore.... but touching none the less Yeah - some jobs are going away forever - like a significant percentage of the construction jobs that only materialized as a result real-estate bubble in the history of the world. Even if trying to squander trillions more fully-reflate the real estate bubble wasn't profoundly retarded, there isn't enough real wealth in the US to do so. They're going to have to find other lines of work. Anyone who tells them otherwise really isn't helping them. Programs that help them make the transition are good - trying to pretend that the bubble is going to reflate, or squandering trillions trying to reflate it isn't. THE ANSWER IS HIGH SPEED TRAINS!!!!
  12. Far more impressive than your libtard education.
  13. You could make a similar statement about stem-cell research. You do research to solve the problems that are unsolved. Duh.
  14. Actually, I think it was "Work will make you free". I looked up the quote, I was wrong , imagine, here it is,"Everyone gets what he deserves" I recall it as AE does: Arbeit macht frei. What quote / reference are you getting this from?
  15. With prole and j_b around the world is ending every day.
  16. Diva Lee Roth
  17. "No problem". That's a riot. All you do is wallow in problems. Plural. And not just two or three.
  20. Seek help.
  21. j_b is losing one argument so he changes the subject again... and adds some more lame left-wing verbiage to boot. Priceless.
  22. Yep, that's exactly what j_b is looking for.
  23. Nonsense. Talk is cheap! KKK now claims that he was willing to see his investments go up in smoke just because his religion says that it was necessary to kill the stock market to save it from government intervention. You people are just a bunch of bad liars or just fucking retarded. The market is cyclical dumbass. Middle-aged investors know they have decades to retirement so if you 401k plummets 20-30% with 25 years to go, you don't panic and give up on the system. You really are a whiny little turd.
  24. We arrived at base camp (unnamed lake at base of N ridge) around 3 pm and watched the route most of the afternoon and saw nothing come down, which gave us some comfort for the next day. We had a predawn start and made good time. Temps were a bit cool leading up to the climb and on summit day itself.
  25. Nonsense.
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