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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. It's a good thing Floridians don't decide important things... like presidential election outcomes.
  3. don't be a dick, mkaythxbye!
  4. Delaying the christening of the USS Bubba would be a better move. ;-)
  5. I had the privelege of visiting this ship in the late 80's when it was docked at Alameda along with the Carl Vinson. linky It was truly "one of a kind" as the prolific Nimitz class replaced this prototype nuclear carrier design.
  6. How is the East ridge? I'm looking for a little less spiciness than the N sounds.
  7. You have failed to follow the primary, haven't you? R's hate eachother more than Dem's. That's why they hate Barry so much. They just don't realize he is one of them.
  8. Mitt is actually a Democrat pretending to be an R. He's the dem's only hope to get the Republican out of the White House. Repulicans sense this instinctively and that's why Mitt fails to close the deal.
  9. Ron Paul fully supports this bill!
  10. That is so retarded. When I was growing up we would disappear for hours... and that was a welcome relief to the parents. Our society is so fearful of everything these days. When I was 10 or 11 my parents let me ride my dirt bike through the forest by myself all day. There were no cell phones, either. I'd crash that shit into trees and try to hide the bent levers from my father. Sometimes they weren't even home -- that was the best. Oh the horror! And I bet you didn't even wear a bike helmet!!!
  11. Yeah, those are great "waning" signs of fascism. LOL
  12. That is so retarded. When I was growing up we would disappear for hours... and that was a welcome relief to the parents. Our society is so fearful of everything these days.
  13. wouldn't be suprised - a good cover story if you were freaking out over having kids and wanted to ditch them? sure, but can you really send people to prison for 12 years on that kind of speculation? And then say it's because they camped too close to a river? Weird, isn't it? If there is not more to this story, then it is definitely f-d up.
  14. You look guilty as hell!
  15. Last year I lost my passport and I still got across the border both ways - no problem. I've crossed 3 times in the past year total with not a hitch. You guys ought to consider not wearing a "legalize it" t-shirt on the day you drive across the border. ;-)
  16. Maybe you all just look like guilty and shit.
  17. KaskadskyjKozak


    That's simple: cc.com is one giant sausage party. ;-)
  18. KaskadskyjKozak


    The plot "... top statutory tax rate" is misleading. In the 40's the rate may indeed have applied to folks making a much higher income, however, at that time there were many more than just a half-dozen or so marginal rates. I'll bet if you looked at the income for those being taxed at the 5th or 6th rate (whatever the 35% rate currently is) you'd see something much more like a straight line going across.
  19. KaskadskyjKozak


    +1 and post the youtube here, p-wookster!
  20. KaskadskyjKozak


    Holy shit! I agree with everything you said. I'm pouring an aberlour now and toasting you Minxie!
  21. KaskadskyjKozak


    World's biggest scam? Please explain. One thing many of us can do is refuse to work for a company where the execs make 20+ million and go to a smaller company where the disparity bettween the rank-and-file and the top brass is smaller. Sounds great! Are you hiring? Yes, PM if you are seriously interested.
  22. KaskadskyjKozak


    I dunno, I also have health care but I'm still pissed off that the extreme rich have pulled off the world's biggest scam on the rest of us. World's biggest scam? Please explain. One thing many of us can do is refuse to work for a company where the execs make 20+ million and go to a smaller company where the disparity bettween the rank-and-file and the top brass is smaller.
  23. Nice. I have an original pair of the schoeller ones that came out around '04. I lost a few inches around the waist that year and ended up never wearing 'em again, so I may check these out (in medium) :-)
  24. KaskadskyjKozak


    How will rolling back the Bush tax cuts affect you? Because the rich will actually have to pay there share and the will pass is down to you....trickle down? Because my marginal rate went down like all the rest did. DUH!
  25. KaskadskyjKozak


    you assume wrongly - assuming my janitor is making a living wage, i'm pretty much happy to be making a mere 2x that I'm all for less administrators and layers above teachers, and more base salary for the rank-and-file (with pay increases every year to at least match inflation) But wait Rob or j_b probably say I don't really believe that.
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