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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. It's because my sweet climber-buns are not public domain!
  2. Someone's going to have to explain to me the origin of animosity between cracked and distel. Clearly it goes beyond photo-onslaughtage? I'm a relative noobie here, what did I miss? Da bouldering is good training for sport climbing, la sport climbing is good training for trad climbing, el trad climbing is good training for alpine climbing, The alpine climbing is good training for straight-up just soloing, the straight-up just soloing is just bouldering but too easy to fall off of. You see, it's da big stankin cirle-of-life shizizzly, ok now group hug time.
  3. !chucha que guapa huevon! Va a estar alli? Ya vengo.
  4. ashw_justin


    Well now I'm not so sure about the 1 hour deal (assuming it is indeed 3600 feet). Sounds like it's time for some showdown.
  5. ashw_justin


    on the topo it looks like it starts at 600 ft, top is 4167. So about 3570 ft. But I'm not familiar with the hike so I could have picked out the wrong trail.
  6. Yeah and you know how important it is to me that I look like a real climber...
  7. ashw_justin


    --edited to remove brainfart--
  8. Wow people still do power cleans? What gym lets you do that? They made us do it back in HS. Nothing like making yourself dizzy and almost passing out than a solid set of power cleans...
  9. Yeah but this one's blue. That's very important.
  10. Heheh yeah it's sold out because I got the last one... for $62. I didn't care about the hood, but yes it is heavier. But maybe it's warmer? Meet me in the deep freeze for a puffy showdown!
  11. Yeah or maybe I'll be forced into 2-year bivy by a sprained ankle...
  12. Well shit I guess I better start climbing harder to I can seriously screw up some part of my body before they get a chance to use it to kill their "enemies"... "keep your guns off my body!" or something...
  13. Especially if there are some hot bouldering photos, besides some bearded dude on some overhang!
  14. This is not SPRAY! It's BOULDERING, and it deserves to be in the Rock Climbing Forum even it doesn't involve ropes and carrying 20 lbs of expensive shiny gear!!
  15. Hueco Tanks, apparently. Probably can't go wrong anywhere in California, either...
  16. I'm sorry Distel you just can't make bouldering look THIS good: yeah I pirated the photo from rockclimbing.com...
  17. dangit Paul why do you keep posting my sweet ass all over cc.com!
  18. OK, d=0.5*a*t^2 so t^2=2d/a (1) and v=at so v^2=a^2*t^2 and t^2=V^2/a^2 (2) equate (1) and (2) you get 2d/a=V^2/a^2 which simplifies to 2d=V^2/a so V^2=2ad and V=(2ad)^0.5
  19. I'm using the funky eq. V^2 = Vo^2 + 2ad where Vo = 0
  20. No way dude, I measured from the bottom of his feet to the ground (16.5 feet)!! You smoking the crack colij boyee!
  21. So maybe there should be R and X ratings on boulder problems...
  22. hmm... well I'll have to factor in the decrease in the force due to gravity for boulderers (mass*7.2 m/sec^2 vs. mass*9.8 m/s^2, for regular people) when they are below 20 feet, so I'm gonna say, approximately pretty hard.
  23. ...so the speed at which the climber hits the ground according to the formula v=(2ad)^0.5 would be 32.6 ft/sec, or 22.2 mi/hr. Keeping in mind that this is independent of the climber's mass (even for someone of cracked's proportions).
  24. Las tazas sobre el mantel, La lluvia derramada, Un poco de miel, Un poco de miel, No basta...
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