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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. No I don't think just banning trucks is the answer. Shit, if I look over and see 5 people carpooling to work in an SUV I'm gonna say, "cool, these people aren't idiots," not "godamned SUV." Well, I guess maybe I would still say the latter just out of habit. I stand by my idea for having another lane designated HOV.
  2. Cool maybe you can show me and Seth some stuff. P-town ain't bad, the beer is good. I was there for 3.5 years but then, I was a kayaker and only occasionally climbed. It's a big whitewater town.
  3. yeah yeah I know I'm just whining... like I said, the rocks...
  4. well nekkid cave people can't afford or make nice shiny new gear... mmmmmm... gear...
  5. So many rocks up there though. I'd have to be little beeyotch and sideslip until I was clear of 'em.
  6. ashw_justin


    Imagine the kind of person that would actually be interested something actually called "Heli-Hiking." Shudder. Maybe it's time to go out and give their little heli-hike a little wilderness flavor... you know what I'm sayin'?
  7. Alright as a disclaimer lest I have the shit flamed out of me by truck people--trucks are necessary and important for very many purposes-hauling, sleeping in the back, impressing certain types of women, such and such. But they are not suitable for common commuting in cities.
  8. I have 10-year-old that gets around 28 mpg on highways.
  9. I know it's totally unfair, but I'm all for banning large trucks for common usages like COMMUTING. I also want to see two carpool/HOV lanes all freeways near metropolitan areas isntead of just one. Take out the a-hole lane and make it HOV. F*ck one-car-one-driver commuters. Traffic is just too f*cked up for everyone to drive their own car. Shit, it might even improve your social life and result in interesting conversation to actually be around other people for once. And with two HOV lanes they might actually work instead of just being a passing lane for dickheads.
  10. Jeeze, that statement just about sums up your political views, doesen't it? Ha, your NAME pretty much sums your views, doesn't it?
  11. Well if I was going to do both Twins in a day I would try to do it with a snowboard: climb W ridge S Twin, down NE Face, up S ridge N Twin, down N Face N Twin. But that NE Face S Twin looks like a pretty serious descent and I think I missed the right time of year as evidenced by the huge bergshrund. I bet Skykilo would do it anyway. Dang. Now he's gonna go snatch the line!
  12. YOu'll want to talk to Cracked or Skykilo about those. I've been wanting to do the Park + ski descent for a while. The approach for that is from Artist Point (Mt. Baker Ski Area) so you start pretty high up but have to traverse several miles.
  13. Sounds like you've been around. And I thought you were from P-town?
  14. AH damn you cracked now you've done it you bastard this guy's bowels are gonna shower upon the hapless scurriers of the cowpath as he catastrophically explodes upon passing the breach over the top of the Roman Wall. And then they're all gonna choke on the shattered splinters of his atomized skeleton and their visceral blood will stain the Coleman-Deming like a runway marker and then their families will sue you and once they get their money they'll all buy miniature swiss army knives and mince you slowly awwwwh gawd I feel a nuther seizure coming on AESJDE:FLJEKJRK:EFMDM@!@$kk2334 klmc
  15. Nooooooooo! YOU GONNA CRASH AND BURN BUDDY! Oh god please don't soil our sacred mountains with your ambition-saturated arterial flow oh my god what are you thinking please no oh my gawd somebody hold me down I'm gonna seizure an crap I just shat myself and bit my tongue off wlkeerkresfjdafjWAGAAWWASLAUAUAFG T0-
  16. So I'm looking through the Beckey, there's some 10-pitch 5.6 on Cinderella Peak... Anybody done it lately? It doesn't sound all that sustained though, unfortunately. Probably a good solo...
  17. mmm... the beta is delicious. So you're saying Dec-Jan thereabouts?
  18. Yes, the behemoth swells. I wonder if we get to fund the expansion with higher ticket prices... The place is already so big you can't really exhaust all the runs on any given day. I'd be a lot happier if I could just pay for rides on my two favorite chairs on Blackcomb instead of paying one huge price for the bijillion other lifts I'll never set ass on.
  19. I was wondering if there was any ice on the NE Face of South Twin... are we talking real ice or snow-ice? When is a good month? It looked pretty cool in the beginning of April but was most likely just frozen-snow-crust like everything else. For the rock though I think Dru was talking about peaks to the south of S. Twin.
  20. Sure. Why not? There could be a little fresh snow higher up. As we are still deeply within Spring conditions skis are definitely nice to have. Altough, since on that route you'll probably be booting the last 1800 feet anyway, it shouldn't too much harder on the ascent just to bootpack. It's coming down that the skis are worth their weight in gu.
  21. I'm sure it's all been climbed. Still would be kinda like an FA though if nobody knows a thing about it. Or would that technically be an alpine onsight?
  22. No, no lost gear... amen to that. Hey, how old are you again?
  23. A few more photos on my website: http://www.neolectric.com/~justin/NorthTwin060804.html
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