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Posts posted by olyclimber

  1. The Story of Molly and the steaksauce


    Once upon a time (75 million years ago to be more precise) there was an alien galactic ruler named Molly Ringwald. Molly Ringwald was in charge of all the planets in this part of the galaxy including our own planet Earth, except in those days it was called Teegeeack.

    Now Molly Ringwald had a problem. All of the 76 planets she controlled were overpopulated. Each planet had on average 178 billion people. she wanted to get rid of all the overpopulation so she had a plan.

    Molly Ringwald took over complete control with the help of renegades to defeat the good people and the Loyal Officers. Then with the help of psychiatrists she called in billions of people for income tax inspections where they were instead given injections of alcohol and glycol mixed to paralyse them. Then they were put into space planes that looked exactly like DC8s (except they had rocket motors instead of propellers).

    These DC8 space planes then flew to planet Earth where the paralysed people were stacked around the bases of volcanoes in their hundreds of billions. When they had finished stacking them around then H-bombs were lowered into the volcanoes. Molly Ringwald then detonated all the H-bombs at the same time and everyone was killed.

    The story doesn't end there though. Since everyone has a soul (called a "steaksauce" in this story) then you have to trick souls into not coming back again. So while the hundreds of billions of souls were being blown around by the nuclear winds she had special electronic traps that caught all the souls in electronic beams (the electronic beams were sticky like fly-paper).

    After she had captured all these souls she had them packed into boxes and taken to a few huge cinemas. There all the souls had to spend days watching special 3D motion pictures that told them what life should be like and many confusing things. In this film they were shown false pictures and told they were God, The Devil and Christ. In the story this process is called "implanting".

    When the films ended and the souls left the cinema these souls started to stick together because since they had all seen the same film they thought they were the same people. They clustered in groups of a few thousand. Now because there were only a few living bodies left they stayed as clusters and inhabited these bodies.

    As for Molly Ringwald, the Loyal Officers finally overthrew him and they locked him away in a mountain on one of the planets. She is kept in by a force-field powered by an eternal battery and Molly Ringwald is still alive today.

  2. This is the good humor thread. Post negative thoughts here, and you are my tool. Believe it!


    Now, where was I? Ahhh yes! Molly!:






    And even N o d d e r:




  3. Cool, thanks.


    So the 'covering-up' bit is bullshit.


    Yes, I don't think there was a 'cover-up' in terms an attempt to hide that was happening. I mean, if CNN knows about it, it is hardly a secret anymore. However, that the matter was known in January, and Rummy didn't give it the attention that it deserved just seems like a stupid mistake. He has appologized for making this mistake, but when it comes to an office as important as his, it seems the best thing to do is step down. It doesn't look like that is going to happen.

  4. I'm just an uneducated young moron, but blaming Rumsfeld for the torture/humiliation is like blaming Bush if your box is lost by the postal service. In both scenarios the people lowest on the ladder fucked up, yet you blame the people at the top.


    Now, blaming him for not apologizing enough, or for not parading the abuse around, is something else. But saying that he is responsible for the abuse and should resign strikes me as silly.


    Here is a link to what the military press is saying. I don't know the slant (liberal/conservative) of these publications, but I would think they would be supportive of the military.


    "The entire affair is a failure of leadership from start to finish" is what they are saying if you don't want to click on the link.

  5. If you don't know him personally, don't speak to his fitness in "representing" the US. He is there for one reason: To protect the civilian leadership assets. I think he is obviously doing a superb job. After all, he is alive, his immediate co-workers are alive, and the assets he is there to protect are alive. That is the only measure of success.


    I don't know him personally, but only from what he has posted here. And I'm not talking about his ability to do his job, whatever that is. I have no idea what his mission is, and in fact he might be very capable in his line of work. However, the use of 'towelhead' and the hate filled spew that is contained in his posts seem to indicate a person who is a racist and a bigot. Or maybe posting here is only a game he does to entertain himself. Sometimes people who post online are competely different in person. I hope this is the case, because every serviceman and woman over there that comes in contact with Iraqis are 'representing' our country.

  6. First of all some of you need to realize one thing and one thing only. I am here and you are not. I have been immersed in this culture for quite some time and some of your answers simply annoy me with their high lofty morals and high ground garnered from somewhere so far in the rear you are 10,000 miles from where I'm at right now. Alasdair, I have an idea. Why don't you take your condenscending tone and shove it your ass. I have nothing else to say on this thread. Send me a PM if you have a problem with me. I'll be back in a week. See you then fuckers.
    Unfortunately the rest of the world sees freaks like Mr. Gotterdamerung, and thinks all American's are blood-hungery, thoughless bigots like him. Fortunately there are conservatives that post on this board that do think for themselves (I'm not kissing ass here, but while I don't agree with many of his points, at least Fairweather wants to have a dialogue or debate, not some obscenity and insult laced rant). If Mr. G. is truly done with this thread, I say good riddance. And I'm glad he is coming home, because who wants a guy like that representing the US abroad.
  7. Is this the thread where we have the political argument as to whether spectra thongs are the eighth essential? bigdrink.gif


    Personally, I find dyneema thongs more supple.



    Hi snuggy. I think dyneema and spectra are the same thing. But when it comes to thongs, I'll leave it to you wink.gif

    Notice that I didn't make it political... yellaf.gif

  8. I believe there is a controversial movie called "Fahrenheit 9/11" that links the Bush family to the Saudis. Mr. Gotterdamerung, I'm not sure if you're just flamebaiting or a blathering idiot, but I would appreciate it if you wouldn't refer to the reservist's over there as "unprofessional and stupid". My best friend is over there as a reserve, and I assure you that he is much more intelligent than you are. But I realize you're just talking trash to get "liberals" riled up. Good luck. I think there are others on this board that state the conservative view point much better, without making an ass of themselves as you have. snugtop.gif

  9. The bottom line is that in any penal system one of the most basic rules is that you do not carry a camera in a prison. Documenting anything going on inside a prison, let alone a military prison detaining suspected insurgents, criminals, and POW's is flat out stupid.


    This is an interesting take on the situation, if I understand you. Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you saying that the bottom line with what was/is wrong with the situation is not that torture actually took place, but that they documented it with photos?

  10. Note to self: If I catch you reading a thread like this one all the way through again , I'm going to kick your ass. These are moments that cannot be recovered. Get a life! cantfocus.gifyellaf.giffruit.gifpitty.gif

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