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Posts posted by olyclimber

  1. Asthetically, the Element is just fricken stupid looking. But I do like way it is laid out inside. No carpeting, all rubber mats. Totally functional. The seats back seats come out and it is flat so you can comfortably sleep in it. Even has a plug for your MP3 player. Too bad it is so dumb looking.



  2. The title of this thread reminds me of the last shithead who panhandled me. He politely asked me for some money, I said "no, I don't have any to give you"....and then he started verbally abusing me. I assume he was just insane, so I laughed at him and walked off...but this has happened to me more than once. Usually it is the 'Ave Rat' sort. rolleyes.gif

  3. Only thing is, how long will they have LA for. My guess is a year, max. You have to think about the Postal Team's chances after Lance. If I were that team, I'd insist on a 5 year contract or something...

  4. Climb: The South Brother-Lena Lake/Valley of Silent Men


    Date of Climb: 5/23/2004


    Trip Report:

    As the weather forcast prohibited us from climbing a large nearby volcano, we decided to go climb The Brothers instead. Or at least one of them. Eric (The Big Balla), little bro Oscar (Sherpa), Eddie (Gourmet), and myself stayed at an older brother's house just south of the Hamma Hamma outlet into the Puget Sound. On the way out we were pulled over by Washington's finest for 60 in a 50, but unbelievablely he let 3 scroungy looking guys in a $300 car continue on without a ticket. We stayed the night at my older brother's and then met Eddie and his truck/home at the trailhead. We started up with perfect, blue skies.


    The trail up to Lower Lena Lake goes by really quick. Then we get on to my favorite part of this hike, the Valley of Silent Men. IMG_2035.jpg


    We made it up to the climbers camp at the confluence of the two creeks, and decided to have an early lunch. Eddie "Gourmet" had worked at catering job in Port Angeles the previous day and packed a heck of a lunch: red pepper stuffed chicken, wild rice, and chocolate cake...which he shared with us all.


    Next we headed up the way trail and hit snow at the first chute. Right about this time the skies started to cloud up. IMG_2060.jpg


    We continued up the hillside, and got slightly off route for a moment in the 'white out' conditions (heavy fog, not snow), but quickly found the chute up to the top. IMG_2084.jpg


    Eric "The Big Balla" decided to climb in Saucony's Technical Climbing shoes, but they just seemed like running shoes to me. IMG_2087.jpg


    We climbed up to the top of the chute and around and up to the summit of the South Brother. IMG_2096.jpg


    After we were up there for about ten minutes, we were rewarded with a view. The whiteout partially lifted and we were able to see the Constance group, and the North Brother. IMG_2146.jpg


    The glissade down is fun. Sherpa Oscar nearly bit it twice...once going head over heels right before the snow stopped and turned into scree. The second time he was glissading at top speed and fell into a hole filled with rocks. He escaped uninjured somehow. IMG_2163.jpg


    Back at the trailhead we enjoyed some left over fine wine from Eddie's catering gig.



    Gear Notes:

    Ice axes, Eddie used crampons as he was slipping, I tried out a Dan McHale Super SARC. I'll be buying this pack for sure. Very comfortable!! thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif


    Approach Notes:

    Nothing to note.

  5. I only have 35 years to Fairweather's 42 years...and I have been hestitant to weigh in on this issue because I'm not sure where I stand. On one hand, the washout makes the wilderness area bigger...true there is a road..but I've been up there recently and you can already see nature reclaiming it. On the other hand, there is a 4 mile addition to every thing I want to climb in that neck of the woods. This wasn't a problem for me...but then I'm not handicapped. Other than the handicapped angle, I haven't heard a convincing argument from either side. There is a large amount our country accessible by car. I'd like to hear a real argument from either side...not just that "is was there so it should continue to be" or "what about the little baby salmon".

  6. "I used to chase hippy girls, and let me tell you, their furry little armpits tend to harbor a powerfully attractive feminine odor that would put this boy in a very vulnerable position. Is what we'd do is, we'd drive up to some hippy neighborhood, like Fairhaven in Bellingham, or down to Fremont, and then we'd sit in my friends bus with a couple of boxes of granola. We'd be wearing lots of beads and shit, pony-tail wigs, whatever. Anyway, as much as anything, the granola seemed to lure them in better than all our "props" and marijuana music. Of course, we lured our share of squirrels."

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