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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. You should've been gone Knowing how I made you feel And I should've been gone After all your words of steel Oh I must've been a dreamer And I must've been someone else And we should've been over
  2. olyclimber

    Pub Club?

    so, where is the pubclub this week.
  3. nice try Chaps.
  4. Do you mind if I forward all of my spam for review too?
  5. olyclimber


  6. Wow. those are awesome pictures. thanks!
  7. Just logging on to cascadeclimbers for a 24 hour spray sesh gives me a shot of euphoria
  8. Collin's pic: porcidog- half dog/half porcipine
  9. if the backpack wieghs 45-60lbs, I'd hate to think what it would wiegh once you got your gear in it.
  10. oh great. he had this t-shirt that said "Rides 5$". and I'm not sure what was in the burrito, but there had to have been fissionable material in there.
  11. I have them. I will get D7s next time. good luck.
  12. China is the mostest country on the earth planet.
  13. olyclimber


    My idea for saving energy was to double the length of an hour to be 120 minutes. That way there would on 12 hours in a day, and that would make for shorter nights, so we would use less energy lighting up things.
  14. This was how my paper went: The sun is by far the hottiest planet in the solar system. If you were to touch it, it would burn you. The end.
  15. Washington Post text:
  16. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Olyclimber has just finished paper #1.
  17. cruelella
  18. subtle genius
  19. How did they train all the insects for that movie "Antz" then?
  20. well then, its clear the facts aren't relevant in this case.
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