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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. the 9th step is a bitch. be prepared to suffer.
  2. where are the little piggies dragging those kids?
  3. olyclimber

    broken finger

    once, twice, three times a lady
  4. olyclimber

    nasty pictures

    I should post some pictures of my toes. They're looking pretty tasty right now.
  5. sandbagging?
  6. I can hear them whispering in the other room.
  7. Do you think I posted this just for fun? Do your homework!!!
  8. I'm headed off into the sunset, sucka! Get your own rum!
  9. olyclimber


    And Seattle will move to Hope.
  10. on the third day of my summer vacation
  11. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/494014/an/0/page/0#494014
  12. Squid, how come you haven't responded to the insult I hurled at you in one of the threads below yet? Get on it!
  13. Excellent. Hey, would you like to buy a monkey?
  14. who are you calling a man?
  15. the kitten thing is just between the three of us.
  16. the voice of the experienced
  17. Please research these and get back to me with the ones that are actually funny. Thanks. http://www.boredatwork.com/
  18. The middle part was a refreshing commentary on punctuation as it was used in the Middle Ages, juxtaposed against the modern Internet Bulletin Board (not the Stone Age one).
  19. you go girl!
  20. The topic is now spay. Have your pet snaffle spayed immediately or risk being shunned. Thanks for catching that. I want all the errata out of my posts. Frankly, it just makes you all look bad when I spell incorectly. And my publisher won't have it.
  21. Rear Admiral....fix your title! WTF? How will anyone know your rank?
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