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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. ya, it was pretty much an AA meeting in the woods.
  2. pants are aid
  3. It does look very bad to nominate a friend that doesn't appear qualified. A cronyism double-whammy. I see the unicorns are continuing to work their magic.
  4. it all sort of exceeded my expectations. thanks!
  5. oh boy. ya, I don't remember that. but you don't have to refresh my memory. i'm one of the world's formost experts on suckling.
  6. Beal Ice Line.
  7. I'm willing to throw in a $5 reward for anyone who finds Dave's camera. There are some incriminating photos on the camera that must be deleted.
  8. It was the Heritage Foundation anyway. article
  9. You know, these tryouts have all the makings of a good TV reality show. I'm going to call my agent and see if I can get this thing televised.
  10. ssshhhhh people!
  11. The Online Sun.....thats my only source for news as well.
  12. olyclimber

    i love you

    Too bad you missed out on Drunkup 2005. Or maybe you were there...who knows.
  13. olyclimber

    i love you

    This thread has given me the hope and strength to continue on. Thanks Mike. You're a special person.
  14. What a special time with you special people. You're all so near and dear to me. Thanks for being you.
  15. great deal on a good boot. I have them and like them alot.
  16. olyclimber

    That's rich

    but don't get me wrong, KKK....you're a good chap, a cuddly little puppy dog, actually. if we all had the same viewpoint then 1/2 of spray would be missing. the liberal talking points tell me to espouse diversity and compassion, so here it is.
  17. olyclimber

    That's rich

    the proof is self evident. i've yet to see you sway from the talking point Rove handed to you.
  18. olyclimber

    That's rich

    wow! Master Debater is in the house! you mean there are rules to this game? you haven't proved anything yet.
  19. olyclimber

    That's rich

    you have yet to prove otherwise, chump.
  20. get'n ready to head out the door soon... RECAP: 1. Bring food to share 2. Bring ice 3. Bring light 4. bring tarps 5. slideshow starts just after dark on Saturday (around 7pm or so). 6. thousand points of light 7. no new taxes 8. raincoat 9. picnic spirit 10. clown suit 11. 12. things to trade/sell/cash to buy gear swap Sunday morning.
  21. olyclimber

    That's rich

    yeah, it's too scary when you're confronted with arguments that counter your orthodoxy, and for which you have no compelling response. ya...like you when you forget to go download the conservative talking points from Rove.
  22. weren't able to come up north, eh Ivan?
  23. they are from the holds I chipped out. they make bling bling stones to hang on your fat gold chain.
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