It does look very bad to nominate a friend that doesn't appear qualified. A cronyism double-whammy.
I see the unicorns are continuing to work their magic.
but don't get me wrong,'re a good chap, a cuddly little puppy dog, actually. if we all had the same viewpoint then 1/2 of spray would be missing. the liberal talking points tell me to espouse diversity and compassion, so here it is.
get'n ready to head out the door soon...
1. Bring food to share
2. Bring ice
3. Bring light
4. bring tarps
5. slideshow starts just after dark on Saturday (around 7pm or so).
6. thousand points of light
7. no new taxes
8. raincoat
9. picnic spirit
10. clown suit
12. things to trade/sell/cash to buy gear swap Sunday morning.
yeah, it's too scary when you're confronted with arguments that counter your orthodoxy, and for which you have no compelling response. you when you forget to go download the conservative talking points from Rove.