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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber


    talk to it
  2. good call Squid.
  3. We may need a snorkle down there Squid, but we'll find a way to keep entertained. I'll bring some duct tape and the Celine Dion CDs.
  4. no no Squid. He's mine.
  5. You slut MisterE! You'll just go hang around at any website, won't you.
  6. I can't believe how they were able to capture my lifestyle and just bottle it up like that for sale! I have to get myself one of these t-shirts!
  7. Is that at the downtown Patagonia?
  8. and diapers.
  9. guns.
  10. and pull tabs too. and cheap beer.
  11. Shut it or I'll burninate your countryside, troglodyte!
  12. Blow up the crag, or blow up the roof? And if it has a roof, then it should be heated, and include cheerleaders and a DJ on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturday nights.
  13. I wonder if that guy has ever been via ferrata'ing?
  14. JayB, and what about manadatory seatbelt laws? But these aren't laws that prohibit you from driving or riding a motorcycle....just doing so without belting or helmeting up. In climbing, the law would require you to only bolt on rappel and use a grigri to belay.
  15. no kidding
  16. WAKE UP MR. ALPINFOX! WAKE UP! You're having a wet dream again.
  17. Is it my problem that you have a steel face and no eyes? No, it isn't.
  18. Ya, making one of those flowers that Timmy O showed at the slide show last night.
  19. That measure is pretty harsh on smokers as far as where they can smoke...must be 300 yards from any known life form, etc. I fully support legalized suicide, and furthermore, taxing the hell out of those killing themselves. I'm concerned that this will result in less people smoking and thus less taxes raised.
  20. They are secretly torturing people at undisclosed locations right now to find the source of the leak.
  21. I saw AlpineK and Gary, but missed the rest of yall (other than the clan I sat with). I was there with the sendbot, and apparently underage drinking is illegal in Washington State, so we could not get into any bars. So instead I went home and benched 350 (12 reps) and squatted 750 (20 reps). Then I practiced my poses, and called it a night. We need to have a lil film contest like they had (24 hours/in camera editing only).
  22. I would like to lodge a formal complaint with the Cascade Climber Board of Trustees. The posting on the this Website by the user known as "OffWhite" in some way, shape, or form indicates that the plaintiff, Mr. "Olyclimber" has at some point been unfunny and/or besotted. This is not only hearsay, it is complete rubbish. I would like to petition the Gods of CC.com to strike "OffWhite"s posting, verbally and textually admonish him, as well as to thwack him on the peepee. Please file this request immediately, and of course I will expect the fairness and due process that is the hallmark of Cascade Climbers.
  23. I like to make BIG FUNNY too. And sometimes BIG FUNNY gets deleted. You must not displease the gods of CC.com. Burn some incense. Say some hail marys. Sacrafice a goat. Perhaps the gods of CC.com will have pity on you and spare you. Perhaps not. But it is not good to test the gods. They can be unmerciful.
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