here is the thread
It is sold out.
any takers?
"David Lynch fans will love it. Non--David Lynch fans will probably hate it ... but they might not hate it as much as they hate his other movies. This is his first movie since Eraserhead that isn't at least partially disguised as a normal movie. Lost Highway and Mulholland Drive pissed a lot of people off because they had a veneer of normalcy which ultimately frustrated audiences' expectations. Inland Empire won't create those expectations: you know half a minute in that it's just fucked up."*/
nothing ever really goes away anyway. He was here, and his posts will make someone think perhaps.
I'm pretty sure that was freed already back last week. A friend of mine, doesn't like to talk about the climbs he does, but he climbs way harder than you. He's still climbing in EBs too.
do you live near Seattle. he is introducing his new movie at the Cinerama tomorrow at 7:30, and taking questions afterward. i have ticket extra ticket.