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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. its not "wife"...its "my babies mama".
  2. maybe this is tied to global warming? or maybe it is insurance reasons tied to the loss of teeth in boyscouts who dare to take innertubes down the bumps in groups of 3-4.
  3. There is a man trying to meet the princess at his kingdom castle, but there are two castles his kingdoms and a dark wizard's. As he's walking there is a fork in the road. One leads to the kingdom's castle , and the other to the dark wizard's. If he gos to the dark wizards territory he will be killed. There are twin men standing at each road. You have to ask the men for directions, but one of the twins lies and the other tells the truth. You are only allowed to ask one question. What do you ask them?
  4. maybe they should just spend the money on elk traps and cheese
  5. wow...looks like a great place to go for a vacation. thanks for the TR.
  6. What right do the elks have to encroach on suburban development? They belong in a zoo. Even though the War on Terror and the War on Drugs aren't exactly success stories,we should be proud that we are winning the War on Nature. Hey Decristo, weren't you a cabin boy for John Wayne when he stopped in the lovely rainshadow of See-kwim and put his root down?
  7. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2003536894_dige23m.html "$1 million fencing sought to keep elk away Instead of moving a herd of elk that has been hemmed in by development in Sequim, wildlife managers have decided to spend about $1 million to erect fences to keep the animals out of highways and farms. An earlier idea to move the elk out of the area was panned by the public. The fence is intended to keep the elk on public land and out of urban areas. Now the tribal and state co-managers of the herd are looking for money to pay for the fence. The elk became an issue when suburban development encroached on their traditional habitat. The elk have become a nuisance, eating and trampling crops, and damaging city parks." f#@k'n human race.
  8. olyclimber


    I heard about this, but Zach de la Rocha is to be replaced with CC.com's own JayB. Can anyone confirm this?
  9. dude! he skipped two of the preplacements! and even took one out!!!!! cleaning on lead, that is the new extreme sport.
  10. glad you guys weren't on the climb when that 60ft section broke off. sounds exciting.
  11. 1xXNoB3t8vM
  12. olyclimber


    http://www.theparamount.com/artists/artist.asp?key=407 well, this is intentional. playing at the paramount Monday night. One of the most celebrated mountain films of all time, THE WHITE HELL OF PITZ PALU was also an international box-office success--indeed it was the first German film to play the giant Roxy Theatre in New York City. Riefenstahl stars as a newlywed who gets trapped on a mountain ledge with her husband on their ill-fated honeymoon. While Arnold Fanck staged the outdoor action with his characteristic pictorial flair, the Expressionist director G.W. Pabst was brought in to oversee dramatic scenes shot in the studio. Working for Pabst, Riefenstahl distinguished herself as an accomplished actress among Fanck's gang of mountaineers, and the critics were quick to single her out for praise: "For the heroine, Leni Riefenstahl, renewed and unexpectedly fresh, unexpectedly charming. A flowing free rhythm, breath-catching beauty, genuine alarm. Not blatant or manufactured, but sensed with authenticity."
  13. Marmot nylon shell pants Full side zips Mesh lining inside Suspenders built in ankle gaitors built in (or whatever you call that feature) in good shape Size large (the tag inside indicates they'll fit waist from 32 to 36 inches, as the sides adjust with velcro. I wear size 34 and they fit me fine. I just have too many shell pants. Has one patch covering a small rip, repaired by Marmot. The "substance" that appears on them is just a little chalk that spilled in the bin that I was keeping them in. Not interested in shipping, local Seattle pickup only. $35
  14. how risque it is depends on how literal you take it
  15. olyclimber


    OK. do you feel better now? you might want to gargle with saltwater or something.
  16. olyclimber


    except for me. i'm normal.
  17. you guys are SUPERSTARS! I'm proud of you.
  18. in Seattle. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/300414_port19.html love, olyclimber
  19. Van migration. Interesting. Where do they winter at?
  20. someday i'm going to grow a set and return the tarps in the trunk of my car.
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