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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. "Look, I'm not psycho. I know she's a doll. Right, Elly?"
  2. the one with re: the Zagat rating is priceless
  3. Go I-90. I go from West Seattle to Bothell...the road starts getting clogged up at around 6:30am or so. Leaving at 6am I can get to work in 1/2 hour. If I leave at 7am it usually takes twice or three times as long. Going home there is no good way...it all sucks.
  4. I use Aperture on my Mac, or Gimp on my Linux box, or whatever that photo editor is in Windows (can't remember if it ships with the OS or with Office). Or you could use something like this I supposed, though I haven't tried it myself: http://www.shrinkpictures.com/
  6. olyclimber


    This ones for you Chuck!
  7. olyclimber


    I think California should stop publishing their own journal and publish in the AAJ.
  8. I already have a ti-spork. Does REI stock these "two-liter pop bottle hiking and climbing water container"? Ulee's camelback valve kept on coming out + it leaked on Kat in the car. I may have to try your hightech approach with him next time to regulate the water intake.
  9. WOW! You've been on THE BIG D??? Did you summit??? Tell me more! Did you leave a neutrino? Hehehe Yeah, why didn't Colin and Mark go for Light Traveler instead?
  10. How many ascents has that route seen?
  11. While I'd say just trust your own judgment about taking your tot out climbing, I will tell you that I had Ulee climbing outside younger than 3 1/2 years old. I just took him to places that were well used (minimum of rock fall) and set him up on a toprope. Before that I made sure he knew how to properly be lowered (pushing off with his legs, etc). He was also in the gym (both the one at home and at Stone Gardens)quite a bit. He has used the same full body harness shown in the pics and I got him the helmet before we went outside to climb of course.
  12. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601070&sid=alwTfX67vh5M&refer=politics
  13. http://oversight.house.gov/documents/20070618105243.pdf
  14. Here it is again. Andy Warhol would be proud of us.
  15. Also, giving a 5 year old a Camelback for the first time will ensure that he will piss himself repeatedly. He continuely drank water and urinated the whole first day, non-stop flowing both in and out. He was very hydrated.
  16. Trip: Icicle Creek - Pearly Gates and Careno Crags - Date: 6/17/2007 Trip Report: Jeff, Kat, Ulee and I went up to Leavenworth (like a lot of you seemed have also done) this past weekend. It was a rehab trip for me and Kat, and we both did pretty well. My arm swelled up after the first day, but everything went pretty well otherwise. But! As it was Fathers day I'm proud to say that Ulee cranked! I was pretty amazed at how psyched he was to get out and climb. At Pearly Gates he did laps on Cloud Nine. He also cleaned his first piece of gear there. On the second day we went up to Careno. There on Poison Ivy Crack he cleaned the whole pitch and even brought up a piece of gear to plug in himself. He was a bit pissed that he had to clean it to after placing it and clipping it, but such is the life when you place gear on top rope. Ulee placing his first piece of gear (a #1 Camalot). Don't drop it! Right after this picture he started shrieking and bawling and kicking the rock. We asked him if he wanted down, but "NO...I WANT TO GO UP!!!". It was a little blank for a little guy (thus the frustration) so we yarded him up to where he could get better holds and continue on. He cleaned the whole pitch. The last climb of the day he didn't quite finish as the partying till late into the night two days in a row were getting him a little cranky and when he removed one of the pieces of gear the rope shifted and spooked him. The rule is if he isn't having fun then he isn't up there climbing, so we lowered him down. He really made a lot of progress though! It was great hanging with Jeff and Kat (and Ulee of course), and it was great to be back out climbing I'm pretty excited that Ulee likes climbing so much too. Gear Notes: Golden Showers
  17. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19293440/
  18. I wear nothing but denim, I refuse to go those yuppy bars....its only dusty dives with sawdust floors for me. I have a permanent dirt ring around my neck. Anyone driving a car past a 70s model is a yuppy fag. My dad was a coal miner. I only eat beans and rice for breakfast lunch and dinner. If it isn't Pabst Blue Ribbon, it isn't beer.
  19. Awesome.
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