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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. HARRY!!!!!WTF HELLO!!!!!! JEEXUS!!!!HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF PRIOR ART??????????????????? http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/869933/VIA#Post869933
  2. experienced climbers know how to properly scent their gear so that their partners will never have it accidentally end up in the wrong rack at the end of the trip.
  3. olyclimber


    you mean this artificial reconstituted morning breakfast beverage that tastes just like fresh but doesn't cost like fresh is actually pennies less per serving???????
  4. olyclimber


  5. Thats nice Off, but I this musical does something for me Slumdog (even remixed with my favorite all time song ever ever) will never do: [video:youtube]gx-NLPH8JeM BTW I can finally buy the wood for my trim! I'll have to email you soon about that.
  6. 6 days!
  7. Sorry Jizz, but Dru only defends his borders. And you're the catcher.
  8. Who is FF Jizzy? Feather Friends bags are made here in the U.S.A.
  9. Three mountain guides are sitting around a campfire deciding to hold up below treeline, out on the lonesome, each with the bravado for which guides are famous. A night of tall tales begins... The first guide says, "I must be the meanest, toughest guide there is. Why, just the other day, an ornery bull elk got loose in Banff and gored six tourists before I wrestled him to the ground by the horns with my bare hands." The second guide, not to be outdone, boasted: "Why that's nothin'. I was climbing in Skaha walking the trail yesterday and a 15 foot rattler slid out from under a rock and made a move for me. I grabbed that varmint with my bare hands, bit it's head off, and sucked the poison right out of my arm. And I'm still here today." The third guide remained silent, slowly stirring the coals with his penis. AHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA
  10. So this mountain guide bites it in a climbing accident. Of course for all his sin's he goes to Hell. As he is rappelling down through Hell with the Devil to his appointed station he sees this other guide whom he knows that also just cashed in his bingo chips. However he is in the arms of this gorgeous naked babe. He turns to the Devil and asks "What's up with this, how come this scumbag has this beautiful woman in his arms." The Devil turns to him and says "Never you mind, that woman's punishment is my concern". HHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
  11. they were major suppliers of the military as per the wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eddie_Bauer
  12. olyclimber


  13. olyclimber


    i don't read this blog, heard there are a lot of assholes here. why don't you go stuff one of these up your pooper Ivan? http://www.bookofjoe.com/2009/02/poopytime-fun-shapes.html
  14. olyclimber


    assholes are like opinions, everybody has them
  15. sorry to hear it, hope you're ok! that sucks, i've been riding every day during lunch, and i'm finding that for whatever reason Prius owners want to hit me all the time...maybe its because i have a lower carbon footprint or something on my bike.
  16. [video:youtube]HvVX2yZiZN4
  17. true he isn't under 30, but Seth is a relative young buck compared to the rest of those guys. but true having those BIG NAMES doesn't mean they'll make anything worthwhile...though it might translate into higher prices. most of the innovation in clothing has not been in the design anyway...its been in the fabrics, which would be better developed by hiring chemists, not climbers.
  18. In 1963, James W. Whittaker, the first American to climb Mount Everest, was wearing an Eddie Bauer parka. His whole expedition used and wore Bauer's products. (from Wikipedia)
  19. To make actual outdoor clothing again?? Notice board, some actual climbers there, including one that posts here occasionally (or at least did!) http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/business/401693_eddiebauer27.html
  20. Is this going to be "THE" Gallagher????
  21. that sucks dude. i might have some stuff, let us know if you're particular about any of the gear (brands, models, vintages, etc)
  22. THEY ARE BOTH A SIGN OF THE END OF DAYS!!!! The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c Unusual Suspect Daily Show Full EpisodesImportant Things With Demetri Martin Funny Political NewsJoke of the Day
  23. http://www.iht.com/articles/2009/02/25/business/25ubs.php Here they are!!!
  24. one more time [video:youtube]U0kJHQpvgB8
  25. i haven't read all his posts, but i haven't detected an attitude with Dane...but he has given the only analysis lessons learned from the accident, which i would hope most would be here to share or read (rather than rubberneck and gawk). of course the crawling out on your own part makes a great story (just look at "Touching the Void"), but the only thing you take from that is if you're out there alone and injured that you should never give up hope or effort.
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