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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Well failures in the private sector are not a good way to judge if it is working or not. I think they are a way to gauge a particular business *is* working or not. There are plenty of examples of successful private enterprises. If you aren't profitable, you die. End of story. Survival of the fittest. The liberal argument would be that such a "dog eat dog" world isn't very humanistic. It is profits before people. But then neither has the evolutionary process that got us to this point either (if you believe in that sort of thing).
  2. http://www.infrastructurereportcard.org/ Well one thing is clear is that the US is full of people who want it all, but they don't want to pay for it. This is outside of any discussion of social services such as heath care. This is bridges, roads, and shit like that. I suppose the conservative solution is to privatize all this stuff. Private roads, private bridges. Toll booths everywhere. I think there are great examples of building a great national resource/infrastructure in the private sector and have it happen in a fantastically efficient way. The Internet is such an example. But the Internet really hasn't been run in a true "private" way. However, it looks like it soon may: http://money.cnn.com/2010/11/03/technology/net_neutrality_election/index.htm?section=money_latest Having our country become a mesh of toll booths and private enclaves doesn't sound that good to me.
  3. Prediction: we'll see him again for the next governors race.
  4. [video:youtube]xWIoOzrGnOU
  5. yum, bile for breakfast!
  6. Because Patty Murray is dumber than a brick WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT ROSSI? HE LIKES IT THREE TIMES?
  7. wow ur comment is worldly *and* profound!
  8. hey! how are you? ahahaaeaggaarbablealbabhahhahhaha
  9. [video:youtube]muc0kaQtCMU
  10. [video:youtube]kufkvrgk4xo
  12. YOUR KIDS WILL MEDITATE IN SCHOOL!!!! [video:youtube]eIqESwzCGg4
  14. meanwhile legalizing weed and opening private licker sales are failing. clearly there is a mandate for a new prohibition.
  15. Not to mention the new Man-date he'll be going on!
  16. Our new Speaker of the House: BONER!
  17. olyclimber


    its 4 realz
  18. olyclimber

    Dino Rossi

    Tim Lincecum.
  19. olyclimber

    Dino Rossi

    Baseball season starts this weekend for Ulee! And goes through next fall. Looking forward to it. We are headed down to AZ for a tourney next spring too! Fear the beard!
  20. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/39947751#39947751 Just put in a donation in my families name. I know first hand you guys are capable of being very generous. Lets bring him home.
  21. olyclimber

    Dino Rossi

    i've sort of lost time for tracking lies/truth for either side of this equation. those of you that actually have the time must not be real americans. or you're unemployed. lol
  22. how low can you go? seriously.
  23. olyclimber

    Dino Rossi

    Dino is definitely on a side.
  24. olyclimber

    Dino Rossi

  25. Maybe he was giving abortions on the side?
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