Aside from just the history and information on this site. I’ve worked to keep this site on because it is not driven by algorithms you mention. This is a community for people to connect over a common interest, and refuge from the mind-control apparatus that social media has become. No AI, or at least we try to clean it…you never know these days. This place is an alternative to all that in my eyes. Hopefully we can keep it that way. We need some whippersnappers who understand all this and can take the reins someday.
as for spray I’ve had a lot of fun here. There have been some really funny people come through here. It hadn’t been all good, but what you’d expect for a free for all. I miss some (most)of the people, others not so much.
In the battle for attention this site will lose against the current psych-ops enterprises. But who knows what the future holds or which way the wind will blow next.
get off my lawn.