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Posts posted by Rad

  1. I can't pick 5 favorites because I've been stoked about many routes over the years. Here are a few worth putting on your wish list that are not over-represented above (and none are hard):


    Past highlights:

    First ascents on Sloan and 1-2 pitch lines at X38.

    Multi-pitch rock: Grand Wall, NE Butt Higher Cathedral, Snake Dike on Half Dome, Inverted Staircase on Fairview, Moby Grape on Cannon, Colores and Punsola Reniu in Spain,

    Alpine: Challenger, Slesse, Inspiration, Sahale, Forbidden, a 20k scramble peak near Kangchenjunga.


    Future highlights:

    Hopefully more first ascents.

    Bugaboos, desert towers, Red Rocks.

    Climbing adventures with my kids.

  2. Maybe I sounded snide in previous posts.


    Actually, I find this inspiring on several levels. Let's all get off the computer and go find our own personal Dawn Walls (minus the tweeting film crew) and grow our balls character to epic proportions! Or maybe just watch the Seahawks tear apart the Packers while we pray for enough snow in the mountains to go snowboarding!


    Tear apart the Packers. Check. Now on to the #DawnWall

  3. Maybe I sounded snide in previous posts.


    Actually, I find this inspiring on several levels. Let's all get off the computer and go find our own personal Dawn Walls (minus the tweeting film crew) and grow our balls character to epic proportions! Or maybe just watch the Seahawks tear apart the Packers while we pray for enough snow in the mountains to go snowboarding!



  4. Seems like in your cute video Obama should say, "Great, go and bring me an immigration bill". Two years pass. Boehner refuses to vote on a bill passed by the Senate. It's Boner who's kicked the bill down the stairs, not Obama. In fact, that's all Boner has done for YEARS is kick EVERY bill down the stairs while trying to blame other people for his ineptitude. What great leadership . Obama is using the powers lawfully vested in his office to actually DO something. Maybe Boner should try doing the same sometime.


    It's not the President's place to tell Congress to do anything. In fact, the American people regularly gridlock govt at the midterm to check the executive branch. Works both ways.


    It's also worth noting, FYI, that bills are supposed to originate in the House. The fact that Harry Reid's Senate came up with an Obama rubber-stamp bill means jack. Then, of course, there is always the lack of action during the 2009-2011 Democrat-controlled Congress. Obama has played politics with the law, with the recent election he thought Democrats had a chance-in-hell of winning, and with the lives of the very immigrants he claims to champion.


    Hello, playing politics is exactly what all of these folks do for a living. What do you call the debt ceiling and guvmint shutdown game of chicken? Politics. At least when Yomama plays politics something gets done. Any sane human will use the powers at his (or her) command to do the best they can for their own self interest and for the world. O has made a move. Now time for the Rs to make a move or shut up. Let's see, threaten to shut down the guvmint? Impeach? Sue the Prez? Wow, those will really advance our nation. Rs are on the wrong side of history on many issues: gay rights, immigration rights, gun control, voting rights, environment, non-rich rights. Anything else I'm missing. Talk and whine all you want. ACTIONS speak louder than words.

  5. Seems like in your cute video Obama should say, "Great, go and bring me an immigration bill". Two years pass. Boehner refuses to vote on a bill passed by the Senate. It's Boner who's kicked the bill down the stairs, not Obama. In fact, that's all Boner has done for YEARS is kick EVERY bill down the stairs while trying to blame other people for his ineptitude. What great leadership . Obama is using the powers lawfully vested in his office to actually DO something. Maybe Boner should try doing the same sometime.


  6. Climbers should attend to show we are responsible and legitmate land users. Sadly, I'll be out of town and can't make it. Please go and be seen and heard.



    TO: Interested Parties,


    FROM: Elizabeth L O’Neal, SEPA Center




    This is to advise you that pursuant to WAC 197-11-900 (922 through 948), the Department of Natural Resources; has determined that it is Lead Agency for the following:


    Snoqualmie Corridor Recreation Plan: A 10-15 year plan that provides guidance and strategy for public use/recreation on DNR managed lands. The plan continues previous efforts balancing forest management and conservation responsibilities, provides new goals and objectives for recreational opportunities and strategies for achieving he objectives and implementing projects.


    Located in: Sections 25, 34, 35 and 36, Township 24 North, Range 06 East, Sections 16 and 17, Township 24 North, Range 07 East, Sections 25, 26, 35 and 36, Township 24 North, Range 08 East, Sections 02, 12, 14, 22, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 36, Township 24 North, Range 09 East, Sections 01, 02, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 26 and 36, Township 23 North, Range 06 East, Sections 01, 03-28, 30, 31 and 36, Township 23 North, Range 07 East, Sections 01, 02, 03, 06, 07, 08, 11, 12, 16-21 and 28-32, Township 23 North, Range 08 East and Sections 01-17, 19-28, 30, 34, 35 and 36, Township 23 North, Range 09 East, W.M., King County




    Notice of Public Meeting:




    Date: December 10, 2014

    Time: 6:30 PM- 9:30 PM

    Place: City of Snoqualmie Administration Building

    Council Chambers Room

    38624 River Street

    Snoqualmie WA



    Information about this proposal including the Threshold Determination, SEPA Checklist and supporting documents can be accessed through DNR’s website at:





    Pursuant to WAC 332-41-504, this proposal was filed in the department’s SEPA Center at the Natural Resources Building, 1111 Washington Street SE, P.O. Box 47015, Olympia, Washington, on November 19, 2014. We will consider comments on this proposed DNS received by 4:30 p.m. on December 19, 2014. Comments should be submitted to the SEPA Center at, sepacenter@dnr.wa.gov or P.O. Box 47015, Olympia, Washington 98504-7015 for distribution to the responsible official. Please include the file number listed above on all comments.



  7. Echo the find a partner suggestion. Adventures are more fun if you've got great company.


    For the budget and time you have you could go to Spain, France, Italy, Swizzy. Drink some good wine, get sunburned, climb a ton of limestone and granite. Ski.

  8. from the move the hut dot org site.



    To our many friends and supporters: We won the court case against Seattle architect Tom Kundig! Superior Court Judge Culp has ruled that Mr. Kundig and his partners violated the covenants by placing their hut on the ridgeline of Flagg Mountain and must remove it. Not only is this an amazing victory for a small community that banded together to fight a Seattle celebrity architect, but a victory for all who are fighting to preserve the wonder and beauty of unsullied nature. Frank Lloyd Wright had plenty to say on this topic: "No house should ever be on a hill or on anything. It should be of the hill. Belonging to it. Hill and house should live together each the happier for the other." Many thanks to everyone who made this happen.


    They must have obtained a permit to build this structure on this site, and it was approved. Whoever approved the permit is the one who should be liable here.

  9. Ok, that is one ugly f-ing hut. Even without the cement legos laying about. And that smarmy young fembot deciple lecturing the locals about accepting change leads me to believe that wire-guided shoulder fired anti-hut weapons should be issued to all of the poor locals who reside on the valley floor.


    ...or a rusty old GMC Jimmy pointed downhill with a strong cable attached would probably do the trick too. kundig-hut-02.jpg


    I can just see the VRBO now: 2 BR ultra modern ski-in/ski/out winter retreat w/ panoramic views and ultra modern amenities, including bulletproof glass to keep disgruntled neighbors at bay.

  10. Nice. I'm sad but not surprised to hear the rock on W Challenger is crap.


    By taking a 75 pound pack into the Pickets you must surely win the masochist of the year award. Congrats!


    And don't beat yourself up over the rescue. I've yet to hear of a Pickets trip that went entirely according to plan.


    BTW, what's your preferred source for alpine weather forecasts? The NWS mountain forecast I'd been using had a page with freezing levels but it doesn't seem active now. Thx.

  11. So who's got beta on all the new routes at Index? I know there are a lot.


    Maybe y'all can use this thread as a place to tell others what gems have been uncovered so they can be climbed to keep the moss at bay.


    I have to admit the regular break-ins and window smashings affect my willingness to park in the main lot. Are there any thoughtful strategies for how to address this? Cameras? Don't say hide in the bushes with a baseball bat - that's unoriginal and going after an armed meth head on your own is just plain stupid.

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