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Phil K

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Phil K last won the day on February 13

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About Phil K

  • Birthday 04/29/1954


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    Mr. Rogers' neighborhood

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  1. Man, it sure has been cold lately, and the snowpack ought to be nicely consolidated. Maybe someone should go nab this?
  2. I seem to recall they sold something like this back in the dim past; sort of like a picket. (?)
  3. I didn't realize those were such a prize. Sadly (for you!!) those have already gone to the happy hunting grounds, AKA Bozeman.
  4. Phil K

    Generational talent?

    How about some of the real old timers? Noel Odell comes to mind; honorable mention to Conrad Kain.
  5. That is very neat. I love Nick's videos, but never realized that he has such a potty mouth. 🤫 I had the pleasure a few years back of taking a small plane tour from Boeing Field, out the MF Snoqualmie, past Stewie, up the Chiwawa, over Lake Chelan, around WA Pass and returning down the W side of Glacier Peak. It's so cool seeing all those places one has been to on foot. The comment that everything looks so much closer together from the air is really true. We have a Lot of goodness packed into a fairly small area. Thanks for posting this.
  6. Rack o' pins. I'd prefer to sell as a lot. How does $75 sound? TOP ROW: Chouinard LA 3-14" thin, Chouinard LA 3/14" thick, Chouinard LA 2" thick, Chouinard KB3", Chouinard KB 2", two midget pins marked CMV AUSTRIA about 3/4"(angle) & 1"(straight) long ROW 2: SMC Shallow angle 2", SMC Shallow angle 3", Chouinard std angle 4", Leeper Z 1"w x 1/2"d x 1-1/2"l, Chouinard hook 2-1/2" x 1" ROW 3: 5x CASSIN angles 5/8" x 2-3/4" Chouinard stuff is pre-BD, so it's got to be extra-good.
  7. Does anyone still telemark? These are looking for a new home, and the price is right. Free. Skis are nothing to brag about, but work well as a tele ski. 183 cm Dynastars with nice sidecut and mellow flex, in good condition. Bindings could be de-mounted and shipped for a fee, or pickup in the West Seattle vicinity. IMG_8270 2.HEICIMG_8270.HEIC
  8. That Kiba is a good looking pup!
  9. Nice work, and thanks for the TR. Yeah.... Pete Doorish. 🍻
  10. Sorry. How's your 'cross training coming?
  11. Did you do the adventure route? That’s some high level choss dogging.
  12. While Jason was probably out tagging summits, I hiked in to a few subalpine lakes with a friend who is even older and more out of shape than me. I had hoped we might get up into the rocky heights, but that was not to be. I did bring back pictures of some accessible Sweet Renton Snoqualmie Granite that to my (limited) knowledge has not been climbed. You could call this Dingford Creek Wall. To get to it, drive past der Garfieldwand to the Dingford Creek trailhead at 1400' elevation. Hike about 5 miles to Myrtle Lake at 3777', cross the outlet creek and ascend another 1200' in less than a mile to Big Snow and Snowflake Lakes. From there drop several hundred feet and contour around the toe of this buttress. This might require powering through some dense evergreen forests. But wow. It also looks like after topping out that you could just about walk back to camp which is a real bonus. And I hear there are fish in those lakes. Have Fun!!
  13. Cool area, and very scenic. Having been up there, it can be a bit confusing. We checked out that face thinking it might be the main summit. It looked like fun, but it sure didn't seem like anything I was ready to solo. The actual summit from the E is a pretty reasonable scramble.
  14. If you're headed up to Midnight, stop and check out Damnation Crack on Jello Tower. It's only rated 9+, but the FA was in 1957, so it's probably a solid old-school 9+.
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