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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. The start of Wedding Day is hard enough already! Damn Lemmings!
  2. Nice tufas! Errr...I mean, on the rock
  3. This post is such a GregW trap.
  4. The real test of bolts has been in Thailand, where the rock is so acidic the seepage eats all but stainless steel bolts. I believe they have had great luck with the Hilti glue-ins, as RUMR said, they are cheap and impermeable. With any glue-in, the holes have to be way cleaner than regular expansion bolts, for the very reason you mention: dust disallows penetration of glue into surrounding rock, compromising holding power. Because of the importance of permeation, glue-ins should only be used in softer rock.
  5. EWolfe

    poison oak

    When I was working for OB in Oregon a few years back doing logistics, I thrashed through poison oak on the Deschutes River in shorts and Tevas for an hour, setting up the switchover to mountain course. I had no idea what poison oak was until it went systemic 3 days later. I was laid up in my platform tent for a week. The most miserable week of my life, for sure. I could hardly move, and I was soaking rags as fast as my friends could bring them for three days. The only upside is my face and genetalia were spared.
  6. **you are ignoring this boulderer**
  7. That's a great TR Wirlwind. BTW? The next day, his legs looked like he had slid down a cheesegrater and then layed in the sun for 8 hours.
  8. Greg! Haven't you heard? It's cancelled.
  9. but at least this years halloween costume is gonna be way fukin easy to make. You're a real class act Lummox.
  10. I bet one of those is Lummox
  11. EWolfe

    Northwest Wimmin

    Last time I checked, New England isn't in the NorthWest...
  12. How Long Have You been Climbing?
  13. EWolfe


    img]http://www.clicksmilies.com./sammlung0304/waffen/violent-smiley-014.gif[/img] [
  14. One of the Lowe brothers was infamous for ripping holds off of long established problems. Alex, I think.
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