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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Or Fido There's some real torture
  2. EWolfe

    fucking birds!

    ...just shit all over my newly washed car.
  3. I heard Tommy Chong is working on his next movie! resplendent with gems like: the toke of invisibilty
  4. I'll give ya Wolfepee any time ya want...
  5. She already has one with an unlimited number of minutes.
  6. Our Country wreaks of trees Our yaks are really large And they smell like rotting beef carcasses And we have to clean up after them And our saddle soars are the best We proudly wear woman's clothing And searing sand blows up our skirts And the buzzards, they soar overhead And poisonous snakes will devour us whole Our bones will bleach in the sun And we will probably go to hell And that is our great reward For being the-uh Ro-yal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen
  7. Here's another one. I must have used up at least three of my nine lives. meow. Working on a fish tender in alaska that had a huge fish hold (about 130 tons as I recall when we plugged it). The boat was a circulation-tank style, which pumped refrigerated saltwater to keep the fish cold. The pipes were 8" and held down by massive clamp/bolt systems due to the abuse they took at sea. We had just unloaded the last bucket of fish on a delivery and was climbing out of the hold with slimy gloves on. As I grasped the lip of the fish hold, my gloves slipped and I plummeted downward. I remember glancing over my shoulder as I slipped, and realized my point of impact was one of the circulation clamps, directly on my lower back. With every ounce of energy I had I twisted to my side, and somehow understood that if I was to survive without major injury I had to relax on impact. Which I did, and it knocked me out for a moment when my head hit the floor of the hold. When I came to, I was slumped sideways over the tie-down, and it had hit me just above my hip and just below my ribs. I sustained bruising to the area that lasted for weeks, but other than that was fine.
  8. Soloing is good when you need everything but climbing to go away.
  9. EWolfe


    Las Vegas IS hell, 12 months out of the year. I predict Red Rocks will be private property in 10 years.
  10. EWolfe

    Inanity Contest

    picture phone or regular cellphone? Hello Kitty or Badtz Maru? My life is filled with difficult decisions
  11. EWolfe

    The Fools of Fluff

    It really "Chaps" my hide...
  12. Whoops! Forgot to resize. That's almost actual size!
  13. EWolfe


    It's always a mistake, and a retardant to the child's communication skills, for a parent to teach their child euphemismistic terms for genitalia. Have you spent a lot of time at high altitude Count? It really does show. get the fuck off my thred. I am the queen of fucking everything and don't you forget it Muffist isum is all about ME ME ME ME ME ME yay for muffy Go get 'em, Tigress!!
  14. EWolfe


    Muffy, please rescue this thread!
  15. New addition tothe family: Scooter, green cheeked cinnamon conure (5 months)
  16. EWolfe


    No. But he was nice about it, so I told him about muffism. Much more innocuous than what his definition is.
  17. EWolfe

    Apollo Alliance

    This type of organization revives my hope (somewhat) Apollo Alliance Homepage
  18. EWolfe


    I got this e-mail from some guy in the UK: Muffy!!
  19. Way to go, Dudes! Sure beats a day at work!
  20. They are opening up the new toll booth to the peninsula soon, do you think the [80,000 (people) X 3 (days of racing) X $3 (toll fee) = $720,000.] figure was helping Washington State Govt decide to lobby for the peninsula ?
  21. EWolfe


    Dru. Chaps, go joina furrys internet group where you can pull the toys out of your ass and post them and people will actually care.
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