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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. I never use tape unless I get bad gobies and am on a climbing trip. Even then I will usually sport climb or boulder for a few days until they are healed. I agree with Dru. Tape IS aid.
  2. Discuss. Aslan has always been my favorite.
  3. EWolfe


    I'd just like to add to that.
  4. Do you tape up for hard cracks?
  5. I saw a few GIANT cockroaches at the reptile zoo in Monroe. It was the only display that made my skin crawl.
  6. By Somebody. Congratulations, Amigo! Just thought you all should know.
  7. Hasn't there been a bit of weather down there? I vaguely remember something about that....
  8. Jesus. That gaston cross over is fucking sick. Thanks for making this thread worthwhile, DFA. Pope: Bitter Old Man.
  9. Roger is also a good friend. I'll be there.
  10. This always gets me through the winters:
  11. If they fail on the climb, well, generally they dare not.
  12. I always take a "Partner Insurance" policy out on whoever I climb with. They must split the cost of the policy with me or no climb.
  13. Oh. I almost forgot this picture of Olyclimber relaxing at the Fest:
  14. All American Chicks In Clingy Panties Move With The Intent To Sell?
  15. So THAT'S the sound coming from my gear closet...
  16. I know! Bases loaded in the 9th, no score. A total of 10 runners in scoring positions from 9-14, still no scoring. I don't hold out much hope at this point, so: Olyclimber NOT getting drunk and posting this week...
  17. I'd like to see 'em win. Not that I really enjoy rooting for a Texas team, but just for the continuing history-making in baseball. Go Asstros.
  18. At least he's not the tard that needs a lid for his beer glass.
  19. EWolfe

    A Snaffle For Muffy

    Throw a rug over that linoleum.
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