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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    Oh No!!!

    They are congas, and yeah. It didn't help there either.
  2. You live at the grasslands?
  3. New River Gorge or Joshua Tree
  4. Well, Dakosaurus andiniensis didn't do a very good job of snapping up wealthy surfing foreigners who buy huge swaths of adjoining countries.
  5. Satellite radio, however is cool.
  6. EWolfe

    Oh No!!!

    It doesn't work as a Performance Enhancer, however...
  7. There's a few I haven't tried. Cool!
  9. why you such a harsher of mellows?
  10. I just got a car stereo with an aux jack. Problem solved!
  11. ...headphones in your vehicle while your driving? I thought it was illegal, but I see people wearing them all the time around town.
  12. EWolfe


    Is that topless gay tae-bow in his avatar gif?
  13. EWolfe


    What would be more appropriate for DMV: punching bags or stationary running? Discuss.
  14. I skied for 15 years before I switched to snow boarding. It's been 8 years since I have been on a pair of skis. I switched because the snowboarders looked like they were having more fun to me. Also, the flow of the movement on a snowboard looked much smoother, which it is. The single-board set-up was also appealing to me, and I almost tried monoboarding. Glad I didn't. I am a powderhound at Baker, steep and deep is the best for boarding. Be prepared for up to 3 days of hell, unless you skateboard.
  15. Remember that when you slap your next tab sticker on!
  16. EWolfe

    Goin' Commando!

    I just finished my 89-month "Coach Chris Commando Course (CCCC)". The first 40 months were the worst, holed up in his spider hole in Belltown. My tasks were brutal: find deeply discounted shoes and clothing sold by the lot and package them for the coming shitstorm. The dietary requirements were excruciating, as well as the flatulent results of a steady diet of Ranier Ale pounders and bratwurst. The second 40 months of the training really started showing results, as I graduated to Olde English 40's and forays to the UW climbing wall for laps on the Red Tower. On my 5000th ascent of Red Tower (the last 250 naked, blind drunk and being whipped physically and verbally), I finally broke through to the next level: drinking heavily, masturbating to Juggs Magazine and harrassing climbers at index for the last nine months. My graduation was complete as I successfully drove away herds of weekend climbers from the prime site with my ravings, abusive nature and manaical laughter. The crowning achievement was the record 15-minute trouncing of plastic-dart-playing campers where I successfully lost all sense of appropriate behavior. Coach pronounced my training complete, and gave me he honorary Schmidt shower.
  17. You guys are great for password ideas on sensitive material!
  18. EWolfe

    Seattle voters

    moderate alcohol consumption has proven health benefits Taking those last 10 years of your life off by smoking has been shown to be beneficial to others if you become a curmudgeonly old bastard.
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