I just finished my 89-month "Coach Chris Commando Course (CCCC)".
The first 40 months were the worst, holed up in his spider hole in Belltown. My tasks were brutal: find deeply discounted shoes and clothing sold by the lot and package them for the coming shitstorm. The dietary requirements were excruciating, as well as the flatulent results of a steady diet of Ranier Ale pounders and bratwurst.
The second 40 months of the training really started showing results, as I graduated to Olde English 40's and forays to the UW climbing wall for laps on the Red Tower.
On my 5000th ascent of Red Tower (the last 250 naked, blind drunk and being whipped physically and verbally), I finally broke through to the next level: drinking heavily, masturbating to Juggs Magazine and harrassing climbers at index for the last nine months.
My graduation was complete as I successfully drove away herds of weekend climbers from the prime site with my ravings, abusive nature and manaical laughter. The crowning achievement was the record 15-minute trouncing of plastic-dart-playing campers where I successfully lost all sense of appropriate behavior.
Coach pronounced my training complete, and gave me he honorary Schmidt shower.