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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. " You don't want to be driving with the equivalent of a big, dead horse nailed to your radiator" "Me, I am racing against a sinewy, Johnny Depp look-alike" "V-8 power vs a man with a 14-inch waist and a hair band" "I will not be beaten by two adrenaline juknkies who call each other Dude"
  2. EWolfe


    Congrats, Colin. Quite an accomplishment. Rock on with your Bad Self!
  3. EWolfe

    Gym Jones

    I can't believe my "Basketball Jones" post was deleted. It was so...so... SIGNIFICANT!
  4. Cowboy Up My Other Car is a Tractor Old Truckers Don't die, they just get a new Peterbilt
  5. Wife and dog missing. Reward for dog.
  6. What was the experience that made you realize climbing was just what you needed? For me, it was a day in 1987, just after Christmas, when I went to the UW wall, flush with my gift of new shoes and a harness, courtesy of my friend Marilyn. I watched an amazing dance by some 'core locals on the North Wall, completely flailed on ANY start on the wall, and went to work. For about 16 months, just there. I lived 20 blocks away, and bouldered 3-4 days a week. Discuss.
  7. How long you been waiting to pull that nut?
  8. Coach used to drop and do push-ups in front of girls when he saw them at the UW wall. Priority: training!
  9. EWolfe

    6 more weeks

    Phil is a furry little liar!
  10. EWolfe


    Now your talking! Thumbscrews!
  11. EWolfe


    Slobbery raspberries to you all
  12. EWolfe

    I am such a loser!

    great idea. naturally I'll be the mod and naturally I will prevent most all of of you from posting to it. Kidding?
  13. I am laughing more at the guy who would pay for elevation urination
  14. We're all winners in my book! Great photos, everyone!
  15. EWolfe

    Spray for Newbies!

    The one that posted the comment on the art? Yeah, kinda.
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