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Everything posted by johndavidjr

  1. You want ovals for what? Should you have mostly all wires? A few bent gates? Why a few? D's no good? What about racking stuff.
  2. Last shot especially nice -- is that Sloan, etc?
  3. Two years ago, I acquired a rudimentary rack and a highly miscellaneous number of carabiners. I've since added to it and now want to dump at least a dozen for wires and lockers. There seems to be a rational approach to this which I can't quite grasp. What's a decent mix of types and in what proportion for trad rack??? ____
  4. If they can use mostly bank loans, the money is ultimately insured by the Federal government, so its a proposition developers can't refuse (as usual). I'm sure the state ans-or county Chamber of Commerce is getting very excited.
  5. perfect watch for under $10. http://www.campmor.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?productId=39159575&memberId=12500226
  6. I replaced my Makalus in August with Garmont Tower. Advertised at 1.69 pounds each, and I think 2/3 weight or less of earlier boots. Makalus are very nice though. I used them on limited basis for five years and still like them.
  7. So what is best xc boot for light backpacking for non-extreme skiier?
  8. Haugen, Bacon? Snowy? You seen 'em, thanks to Austin Post & pilot..
  9. Beckey maketh all secrets known. It's an open question whether people should talk-up alternatives to the better-known places to spread out the visitors. Probably makes no difference. Unless Mr. Skoog starts talking up a hike---that'd may be different.
  10. I sure read all that I can here about Pkts and Ptmgn, & how wonderfully remote they are. I guess almost nobody goes to those other places actually.
  11. Picketts news is fascinating & I always wanted to climb Dome, but I remember from Beckey a few other subranges that are equally wild. What are they and does anybody go there?
  12. "Sort of like a dogwalking service, only with people?" I've been the dog lots of times, but not there. I don't mind guides, but hope my days of being guided are mostly over. ----
  13. It's good to go during the week. Here's the endorsements on your two photo routes in a section of gunks.com, which has a lot of commentary that occassionally gets a little hyped, as in the two write-ups below. Yellow Ridge (5.7-) The total Gunks sampler: a choice of tricky starts, a Wiessner offwidth, lots of exposed moderate traversing, and a huge-but-only-5.6 roof finish. - steven cherry To call this climb an easy 7 will be a rude slap at the visiting moderate leader. The start is tough and has repelled many who are solid 8 leaders, even if the gear is fine. It is a great climb for anyone. - chip Gelsa 5.4 For its last pitch. Absolutely stellar climbing-dead vertical, but good holds and pro all the way, in an awesome setting. The quintessential gunks 5.3 pitch. - irishare
  14. Useful route list .3-.12., in link below. Site is Gunks' answer to CascadeClimbers.com-- but not as interesting. Gunks are only a mile long-- if you only count the Trapps where most listed routes are located. http://www.gunks.com/index.php?pageid=74&pagenum=1&smGroup=2&smID=5
  15. I've been leading a little, for a couple of seasons, and have strived to keep rope running NOT between my legs but off to the side. I thought I was told that makes falling safer. Have I got that right? On reflection, it doesn't make obvious sense, as a means of avoiding getting flipped in fall. Wouldn't it be better to just keep rope on front side of your body, i.e. hanging straight down from harness, while climbing?
  16. I just bought a couple of these this weekend without examining them or thinking about it much. They're half the width of my other slings, which are spectra. I think Mammut calls this stuff dyneema. WTF is that and are these slings as strong as standard (I threw away the packaging). They're great for racking sanity and they're very light. I'd like to ditch all my others and replace them with this stuff. --John
  17. Where's G. Gordon Liddy? We need a reasonable counter-arguement.....
  18. Thanks. I feel a little better. Gray squirrel season starts tomorrow.
  19. Now I know some things, but not everything. Is this a machine gun, in the Jimmy Cagney sense? Is the Sturm Ruger Mini-14 the same caliber? Who gives a damn about accuraccy if the point is just to blast the hell out of a target with a zillion rounds? How many rounds can the cop shoot and how many rounds could GI Joe shoot with this thing in Vietnamn?? Why isn't it used for deer hunting? How much do they cost and where can I get one?? ____
  20. Photos quite a testament. the one with peak and relatively big glaciers-- what is peak? It's now set as my temporary background-- thanks.
  21. I guess I just didn't think about rear sight when examining rifle. Remarkable answer about its accuracy. So the gripe about Vietnam M-16 was just about stopping-power? I mean, I understand you wouldn't try downing an elk at 300 yds with one of these things...I imagine it had/has high capacity, though cops' clips were only a few inches long. ----- ----
  22. johndavidjr

    M-16 rifles

    Local Jersey cops hard by the Hudson River now carrying these things on guard-duty. I asked one and he said it was from Vietnam-era. I then asked him about the front sight, which seemed set an inch above the muzzle. He said it's set for 300 yards and he's a crack shot. I thought these were short-range rifles not meant to be particularly accurate. I think cop was provided disinformation. Can anybody explain the attachment above muzzle (not the flash-guard)? ---------
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