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Everything posted by AmberBuxom

  1. she got a new car in the end. yea fugly people!
  2. use your imagination. itd be easy to let the 'resistance' continue for awhile with some sporadic weapons recovery shit mixed in. then the spooks could setup some kina huge fukin wmd accident thingy to kill most a bagdad. this would like kill two birds: the wmd naysayers and a whole lotta angry iraqis. then the us sets up a protectorate and we make the iraqi gubmint whatever haliburton and bechtel need.
  3. cabelas has many many camo designs. rei has none. how can you even compare the two stores?
  4. like this?: thatza 'power draw'. prolly a lot around these days after the cave rock de-bolting.
  5. dam maryk. you look like some kina scandinavian giantess. or a us women soccer star. climb on.
  6. then call you friend in kc an tell that fuker to get some q at bryants. and cold cold beer. and some free pickle slices.
  7. i disagree with your disagreement. a guidebook is only a guide. i think its neato that you can use the word 'keen'. now if you really want to be confused by grading inconsistency then start iceclimbing. but really. who gives a fuck about grade being anything other than a suggestion? and that includes quality ratings too. i give my comments three stars.
  8. that is a wierd diet. what else do you feed her?
  9. if grades are consistent within a climbing area then what is the problem? remember that you refer to a 'guide'. not to a touchstone.
  10. scrambler. stop it. your ignorance is painful. niger has uranium deposits in the air mountains. yellowcake even. nigeria has a lot of oil. niger and nigeria share a border but are not the same. got it?
  11. from cnn.com: '"Nobody in the Bush administration called me to leak this," Novak said on CNN's "Crossfire," of which he is a co-host. "There is no great crime here." but 'Novak said Monday that he was working on the column when a senior administration official told him the CIA asked Wilson to go to Niger in early 2002 at the suggestion of his wife, whom the source described as "a CIA employee working on weapons of mass destruction." 'Another senior administration official gave him the same information, Novak said, and the CIA confirmed her involvement in her husband's mission.' '"[The CIA] asked me not to use her name, but never indicated it would endanger her or anybody else." Novak said.' 'The Washington Post quoted a "senior administration official" in a story Sunday as saying that two top White House officials disclosed the identity of Wilson's wife in calls to at least six Washington journalists. Novak was the only recipient of the information who published it, the Post reported.' thick as a brick? or just a dick?
  12. you are oblivious to the camping-neighbor deterent effect of two children and one dog. anybody got some of those to mark ther turf?
  13. no. just vindictive and intimidative. and there is some history of republican vindictiveness.
  14. weird. i dont need any keys while climbing.
  15. you got some learning to do bout our tricameral goverment. the legistlative branch creates regulations for autos. and guns. the police only enforce the laws.
  16. you smoke a lot a reefer? cuz you fukin paranoid dude.
  17. 'Kayne B. Robinson is my president' just doesnt carry the same punch as 'charlton is my president'.
  18. i went out to the twin sisters area a couple weeks ago. yellow wall was fun. once was the subject of a climbing mag covershot. weather wall was bitchin. must go back.
  19. theres many peaks blacked out for att. pisses me off.
  20. 3: front door, car, bike lock. but dont even ask about the number of passwords.
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