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Everything posted by bunglehead

  1. How many surrealists does it take to change a light bulb? A potato.
  2. Hee hee.
  3. Ahh, Crowning! Always a perennial favorite.
  4. There is absolutely no fucking way that could ever happen here.
  5. DKemp: that is soo gross but so funny. Other poop related statements: I'll be in my office. I'll be laying some cable I have to go download some personal data files I have turtleheads. I'll be on the white courtesy phone. I'm sure you guys know a WHOOOLE lot more than me.
  6. Wait a minute, I thought you were okay with it? And to be fair, I was actually working for a second. Besides once I saw you go for it, it seemed like a shame to interrupt it. It played out beautifully. Kids are fucking hilarious. I taught ny girlfriend's kid to say "I gotta drop the kids off at the pool" when he needs to "number 2" It's pretty funny.
  7. Agreed:
  8. That was funnier than I thought it was going to play out Knelson Vs Sobo: 23 Love The swearing was what really put it over the top. (Note: I have no fucking clue what "23 Love means" Something to with tennis, right? I was just trying say "tie")
  9. bunglehead


    For real, my mom's evil incarnate. She's not Satan, she's Satan's personal trainer.
  10. One day the Secret Service bursts into the Oval Office "Mr President we found "Fuck the president" written in urine in the snow on the east lawn." Bush says: "What?! Who would do something like that?" "Don't worry, Sir We've taken photographs and urine samples. We'll catch the culprit" .. A week later they come back with the results. "Sir, I'm afraid we have good news and bad news about the snow incident" "What's the good news?" "It's Cheney's urine" "WHAT?! That's the good news? What's the bad news?" "It's laura's handwriting" BAH-DOOM-CHA!!! (Historical note: This joke has been around since at least the Nixon administration. Update the names accordingly)
  11. bunglehead


    You're welcome to her.
  12. bunglehead


    My mom's a vampire. She wears a black cape, she's only around at night, and the only thing I saw in her fridge when I saw her last was a bottle of vodka in the freezer. When my little brother lived with her he hung garlic from his door to keep her away. True story, I shit you not.
  13. That's so awesome. I love Tina Turner. Platonically.
  14. Yeah, that photo of Jack Johnson was funny!
  15. Dave Holland is a monster. I've seen him twice in the last 3 years, and his level of musicianship is mind boggling. His entire band was insane. That guy is one of the best old schoolers out there.
  16. Sorry, I couldn't resist. I just remember when Metheny came out with "Zero Tolerance for Silence" all of his fans I knew were stunned. Like they'd been slapped with divorce papers. they walked around in a daze. It was fucking awesome.
  17. I like "In a Silent Way" also.
  18. Weird.. Where'd Mr Natural's post disappear to?
  19. I have listened to these records, and I still get "Meh". I absolutley love the Miles stuff with "The Rhythm Section" Steamin, Cookin, With John Coltrane, Milestones, Miles Ahead, that stuff is excellent. I don't know, the only fusion-ey thing he's done that I like is Jack Johnson. I can't quite put my finger on it. It's almost like he was trying to play catch up with what was hip back then. Like he was so caught up in his own shit he looked around one day and realized that music had already started going in different directions, a lot of them not in jazz. Then again, I guess that's the danger of being labeled the "Next Big Thing" Things like turning your back to the audience and having huge photos of yourself in in your own apartment, it's like wearing the t-shirt of the band you're going to see. He was really arrogant. Then again, maybe it's just my reaction to some of his fans and some critics who feverishly srgue that he's the Jedi Master of All of Jazz. Some Miles fans are like Pat Metheny's fans. There's just no reasoning with them. Maybe I can't seperate all of it, I just know I try really hard to dig some of his later stuff. I always feel like an armchair critic with this. I mean I never knew the guy, and I'm positive he had a ton of bullshit he had to deal with. Maybe, like a lot of us, he just got jaded and said "Fuck it"
  20. bunglehead

    Miles Davis

    Man, I try REALLY hard to dig his music, but I just can't get over what a huge ego he had. I've tried sooo hard to get into "Filles De Kilimanjaro" but when Chick Corea comes on, I'm done. "Directions in Music by Miles Davis" Fusion by and large fucking blows. If I never hear another looong winded noodly solo ever again, it'd be too soon. We now return to your partisan bickering.
  21. Oh how true this is. Shit, there are some people I work around that have serious issues with the electron probability density wavefunction. What seems to escape them is the distinction physicists make between "model" and "truth". Every non-crackpot physicist I know goes to great pains to keep the two seperate. Just because we don't understand "it" doesn't make it "God" We just don't understand "it" yet. Some people need a better hobby. There's nothing wrong with not understanding something. Maybe it's not the answer that's wrong, maybe it's the question. Now everybody GET ALONG and let's all drink a beer.
  22. Sooo true. That's what he spews when he talks.
  23. That is a cool avatar. That was crazy. Go Galloping Gertie!
  24. What's sad about this is a dedicated crackpot could probably make this shit catch on. Sometimes it seems like our country is going straight down the crapper.
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