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Everything posted by foraker

  1. I wish someone would hack the billboards for Lotto or Megamillions with "Taxing the Stupid to Pay for Education!" Perhaps a more feasible fantasy than others, however.
  2. I'm sorry, chirp, but you don't fit into one of our neat little boxes. Right, off the planet with you then.... Come now, no dawdling...that's a good lad.
  3. I bet all those Enron/Worldcom shareholders are *REAL* happy about how the company was run....
  4. I'll never get decent climbing partners using words like 'specious'. ;-)
  5. This is rather a specious argument. What you've assumed is that simply because one is liberal, one is anti-business and therefore it is hypocritical to have a retirement plan. I think, if you bothered to ask around, nothing could be further from the truth. I myself have some liberal tendencies, have a 401k and am pro business. What I have a problem with are the practices of certain business and the politicians who aid and abet them. I can do little, perhaps, about the stocks held in my mutual funds but I can certainly act both politically and as a consumer, can I not? Are you saying that when companies sell products that maim or kill, or when they pollute, or when they defraud, that we should simply lie back like a reluctant virgin (to steal a phrase) and let them have their way with us? No, I say. If your Ford Explorer rolls off the highway, killing your family, are you forbidden from seeking redress and recall of the vehicle simply because you are an extremely minor stockholder in their company. "Ooops! Better not sue! My portfolio might take a hit!". If that is your thinking, sir, we should forego all pretence and dress our parts: them as wolves, us as sheep.
  6. foraker


    so, tell me, where should we have put the isarelis when they were sitting in boats in the atlantic waiting for some safe harbor to accept them and no one would? do they have NO valid claim to living in that part of the world? for what it's worth, i'm not saying that i agree with israeli tactics , what I'm saying is don't make Hamas out to be the good guys.
  7. foraker


    so, when the israelis were the underdog and the arabs AND the europeans wanted them off the planet, where was your voice then?
  8. foraker


    So, you're packing up and leaving because I'm pretty sure the native Americans don't want you here? Is it ok if they come by and bomb your house or your child's schoolbus? As I recall, when this all started, the Israelis, realizing their precarious position, offered the olive branch of peace. They got resoundly bitch slapped by all the Arab states.
  9. foraker


    erik, i've read enough mid-east history to know the whole area is messed up so don't presume to lecture me on what's going on there. it's a blindingly brilliant statement of the obvious to say that not *all* palestinians sit around dreaming about being suicide bombers. duh. just as all israelis don't dream about piloting helicopter gun ships. duh. my point was, just because the palestinians have nail bombs and the israelis have helicopters, don't think Hamas (note I did NOT say the Palestinians) are a bunch of lovable old grandpas.
  10. foraker


    So? What? Hamas is a bunch of innocent angelic looking grandpas who spend their days bouncing children on their knees? Wake up dude.
  11. Just picked up a Marmot Plasma Jacket from Paragon Sports in NY (www.paragonsports). $180 + $3 S/H and no tax. :-) Schweet.
  12. shouldn't you be out shagging a randy goat?
  13. Does this make 'lummox' a figure of our collective imaginations then? Is lummox the Tyler Durden of cc.com?
  14. Donc, pour les autres gens qui sont ignorants comme moi, qui est 'Amber'?
  15. p&l is right about that. if you want mail order, b&h is one of the few you can trust. i've been buying camera gear for a long time now. if you are looking for panasonic digi cams in the seattle area, it looks like the only place to find them are the Ritz Camera outlets. If you have a particular model in mind, however, it would be best to call one to see if they have it. Such stores don't always carry the high end models. If you want other brick and mortar options, go to the Panasonic web site. It allows you to look at a specific model of their camera and find out how to get ahold of one.
  16. The first rule of cc.com is...
  17. Glazer's in Seattle? www.glazerscamera.com
  18. 99.999% of the people stay in the valley and cruise through Tuolumne. even the hikers tend to limit themselves to certain tramps. i spent most of my time in the eastern part of Yosemite and you rarely run into people.
  19. i've had compasses all my life and never needed them. :-P
  20. ique 3600. has gps
  21. murraysovereign, that is a wise and astute observation!
  22. Klenke, I think the problem with asking for impeachment rather than censure is that even post-Watergate we still, in general, have great respect for the office of President. I think they realize that asking for impeachment is a much more serious undertaking and is much more psychologically damaging to the electorate. They *especially* don't want to be seen making such a request during an important election year. Censure, to most people, means nothing. That's like a slap on the wrist please don't do it again wink wink nudge nudge. Impeachment merely brings to mind a very painful episode in our recent history.
  23. We should have little warning label icons below our avatars. Things like: I like to talk about politics while climbing. I like to talk about religion while climbing. I like to talk about medical conditions while climbing. I like to talk about conspiracy theories while climbing.
  24. Let me explain it to you boys so you can stop arguing: 1) Have all presidents lied? Yes 2) Is it relevant to the next election whether or not the previous president ever lied? No 3) Are certain people blind to facts? Yes 4) Will any amount of facts convince them otherwise? No
  25. TV = bigger exposed tit than Janet could even dream of. :-)
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