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Everything posted by foraker

  1. better find out when the current law lapses though
  2. I guess he just didn't want his comments 'taken out of context'.
  3. Oh, no. Then I'd never get any work done. :-P
  4. The best thing I ever had was this two page photo from Climbing magazine of Kennedy and Lowe doing the Infinite Spur on Foraker. :-P
  5. Told ya. Saw some dude in there yesterday buying 30 pairs of climbing shoes.
  6. For some reason, despite good googling skills, I've not found any decent mountaineering/climbing posters for the office. Maybe I'm just too picky because I carry around a boat anchor of a camera. Maybe I just suck at web searches and don't know it....
  7. Thanks for the info Mike. I'm new to the area and it's always good to get the local news. Nice guide book by the way. :-)
  8. Go to NF in Seattle. They have La Sportiva overboots for 75% off.
  9. Triangular bandages. You can never have enough.
  10. Ok, here's the deal. My wife is in school until the end of summer which pretty much means we as a couple aren't going anywhere on the weekends (except maybe during her break at the end of June). So my goals this year are: 1) Find someone to do a lot of multi-pitch trad climbs and then head out to the Bugaboos for a couple of weeks at the end of August when she goes back to Europe to visit her parents. I'd say I'm a 5.8-5.9 trad climber at the beginning of the season and wouldn't mind becoming a solid 5.10 climber finally. Most of my rock climbing experience has been in Australia (where I learned) and California (pretty much mostly Yosemite). I've not been to the Bugaboos and have been drooling over the guide book ever since I got it. 2) Find someone to work with on local (WA/BC) alpine climbs with the goal of heading to higher ranges (Denali/S.America) next year. If I'm going such places, I don't want to be meeting my partner at the airport. :-P I've got to do Denali simply so my father will stop pestering me to come home and do it (my parents still live in Anchorage...a bit of a bonus really because it means we I have a staging area and a free ride to and from anywhere because dad is Retired Guy). Anyway, I learned alpine climbing in New Zealand and was pretty ok on New Zealand alpine grade 3/3+ routes. I can typically get to 14000' without much problem. I did a solo of Shasta a few years ago and went from Bunny Flats to the summit and back in a day. So, I think I'm pretty good for 1000'/hr with a light load. Maybe a bit less. Working on my running now to ensure that. Would like to do an early ascent of Liberty Ridge this year if anyone's interested. Just looking for cool people with good outdoor sense. Not looking for serious type A personalities who like carrying nitro up K2. ;-) Pics of some of my New Zealand stuff are on the link in my profile.
  11. Might have to go back and see if they have any Mega's in my size as I'm on about the 3rd resole of my Kauk's....
  12. I bet half this stuff turns up on eBay....
  13. Just went. Very very small pickings. Still have crampons avail. Harnesses. Selling perlon by the spool.
  14. shit. aren't we supposed to get notices for this sort of thing via mailings?
  15. foraker


    No more caffeine for you! ;-)
  16. foraker


    Yeah, baby... http://www.brook.edu/FP/projects/nucwcost/madm.htm
  17. foraker


    Hullo. Sense o' Humor Alert. ;-) Gir! Attack!
  18. foraker


    I guess this means that you won't be wantin' any of them Claymores?
  19. foraker


    If that's what we're going to do....let me have my dad send down his .375 H&H magnum. Better yet, I'll just bring down dad, too. He's Retired Guy and needs some fun.
  20. foraker


    i think it's time to revive the old 'heads on stakes' deterrent.....
  21. The same goes for goobers who drive around in their pickup trucks with their dogs in the back...and they aren't tied down.
  22. I love dogs. I come from dog country....sled dog country. That said, it's only selfish irresponsible shitheads that don't train and control their animals, especially those that were bought for 'protection'.
  23. Taut or not, the key thing is you have to judge your rope tension by the conditions. And, you have to be prepared so that means knowing what it feels like for someone to fall into a crevasse....i.e. practice. Usually, when there's not a lot of obvious crevasse hazard, I don't really mind having the rope drag on the ground a bit.In more obvoius terrain, everyone's a bit more conscious of rope slack and you try to ameliorate it. Besides, you aren't going to stop a falling body with a yank of your hand. Only getting down and digging in will do that. So, you need to be keeping an eye on your partner, not the ground.
  24. i wish i was a finder. my dad certainly is. he found this huge gold nugget lying in the street once.
  25. anyone been this weekend? thinking of going tomorrow with the frau before she goes back to the school grind
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