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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. does this make any sense to you? Yes, it is in English. Unlike your posts. is your iq 15 or 18?
  2. where the fuck did you get this idea? cunt is a quite popular british expression basically describing a dumb fuck. This isn't Britain, cunt. whom do you call cunt you fucking cunt. go and feltch on some republican ass
  3. the only reason you'd be able to serve 2 years if you would be unfit to finish your contract- which is 4 years. and how do you compare- 2 years of tours of duties or sorting parts in a warehouse in kansas for 10 years?! why in the hell a 10 year desk jockey should get better benefits then a front line grunt, who gets legs blown off after let's say 6 mo of service? that's exactly the cunt mentality of republicans i am talking about. your argument is totally stupid and without an inch of reality.
  4. does this make any sense to you?
  5. where the fuck did you get this idea? cunt is a quite popular british expression basically describing a dumb fuck.
  6. glassgowkiss

    fuck all y'al!

    that's all you can come up with gerbil spelunking felcher?
  7. glassgowkiss

    fuck all y'al!

    Boner's posts look witty and intelligent in comparison to PolyakBob's pathetic efforts. need a tissue? now piss off or go and suck some republican.
  8. glassgowkiss

    fuck all y'al!

    Thanks bro! Now go feck yourself! don't get your panties in the wad- if you dish out be ready to take it in. (i have heard that you and kkk like taking it in)
  9. that would explain the lack of brains on your part- Richard Cranium!
  10. this is the list of people who voted against new GI Bill in the senate. the same fucking morons who voted for going to war now want to deny soldiers benefits. vote the fuck out. nothing more then a bunch of cunts Alexander (R-TN) Allard (R-CO) Barrasso (R-WY) Bennett (R-UT) Brownback (R-KS) Bunning (R-KY) Burr (R-NC) Cochran (R-MS) Corker (R-TN) Cornyn (R-TX) DeMint (R-SC) Ensign (R-NV) Enzi (R-WY) Graham (R-SC) Grassley (R-IA) Gregg (R-NH) Hatch (R-UT) Kyl (R-AZ) Lugar (R-IN) McConnell (R-KY) Sessions (R-AL) Voinovich (R-OH)
  11. glassgowkiss

    fuck all y'al!

    no that's what you do jizzthroat
  12. I don't think it was visitors who did this. i think it was some local shit kicking rednecks
  13. Sometime during Sat/Sun night some local dumb fucks went on driving rampage at Dunlop parking lot for Skaha Bluffs. Besides deep ruts from a quad and a (most likely) a 4x4 truck left by wheelies, they managed to knock over toilets and braking a little fence behind them. Looks like redneck stupidity is well present on both sides of the border.
  14. the best thing he could do is open fire. talking with hamas is poinless.
  15. quit repeating stupid propaganda bullshit and i will get off you case. however i predict sucking cock is in your blood.
  16. all i can say is: get off them drugs- they are fucking up your brain. maybe if there was a better banking/real eastate loans regulations maybe we wouldn't be wasting so much tax money on stupid bail-outs! saving and loans crisis in the 80's and now this! how many times does it have to happen till people realize the need for clear-cut comprehensive system of banking, not regulated by the states, but by federal government? Friggin people who oppose this are the usual scumbag ripoff artists, claiming it's their fucking right to rip off and scam money and any regulatory body would infringe on their god given right to fuck over everybody. and stupid puffs like KK and fairweather buy this shit and bend over for these people with butt cheeks spread wide.... if you know what i mean! yeah, the spending will get bigger- to pay off the debt this administration racked up in the last 7 years. when fucko shrub took over the office the budget was balanced and even had surplus. now we are in red again- this time borrowing money from China! it doesn't require a rocket scientist to figure out that this debt will have to get repaid at some point and sooner the better. class warfare- yeah- after last 7 years there are only two categories- those who have and those who do not have and nothing in between.
  17. not paying your debt back = theft.
  18. i have an easy solution- put some people in jail. if you sign on the documents your income was higher then it was- it should be prosecuted as fraud. also if the banking institutions did not verify the data- that's conspiracy to commit fraud. force people to either repay the loans and to repay the commissions collected on bad loans or do jail time.
  19. and everybody jumped on the deal. when i was saying i don't earn enough t buy a house people looked at me strange. as far as i am concerned at this moment both banks and home owners can go fuck themselves, as they are both guilty.
  20. who gives the shit if clinton didn't? airplanes that flew into the buildings did not happen when he was a president. btw those madras were way before clinton even took office. is if the blame has to fall on someone on them it would be reagan or bush sr.and i don't think this hate teaching shit stopped at all, since they are alive and well all over middle east and in pakistan as well. and the reason hijackers were saudis not jordnians (actually they were supposed to be on the planes) is because saudi arabia is on a fucking visa waiver program (even after 9/11!!). so it means that the visa is issued automatically at the point of entry for 90 days. no background checks, no nothing. while all the former soviet block countries unilaterally implemented the same thing towards US citizens, the favor was not returned. so why camel riding potencial terrorists can jump on the plane and just show up, citizens of eastern europe are still subjected to long lines in the consulates, high fees and over all a very shitty treatment. how is that fitting into the category of making this country more secure? anyway, there is no point in explaining details how entire visa and immigration issue sucks donkey cock, since 90% of you people have no fucking clue on the subject matter anyway. anyway- you can repeat all the bullshit this crew is spewing. however somehow you omit to say how for instance saudis hold telethons, from which the profits are funneled directly to Hezbollah? over all this administration dealt with 2 things: jack and shit and jack let town. oh btw- where the fuck is bin laden? T-A=0
  21. jayb- my reference to ideology of entitlement was towards immigrants from north africa. if your education sucks and you don't speak language what makes you think you can work for more then a minimum wage (which in EU is much, much higher then here). and a lot of people moving to western europe from afica have higher education. also the question is why don't they flock to language schools? the problem is that in general you don't get the same problems with immigrants from muslim and non-muslim countries. so as you see it is an issue f religion and culture that this religion creates.
  22. i wonder why is it that immigrants from former soviet block move to england ireland, france or other countries and they don't lock themselves in a ghettos? and why is it that they can find jobs and immigrants from north africa can't? I'd venture a guess that at least part of it has to do with the fact that they're likely to have better education and training, but I suspect that the values and aspirations that they bring with them - none of which (except perhaps the strong work ethic )conflict with the culture that they've moved into - play a much larger role. Why do you think the disparity exists? better education? oh please, give me a brake. it has to do with culture and mentality of entitlement.
  23. that's a load of shit. however doesn't change the fact that bush made a mistake after a mistake and pretty much most of the decisions his administration made were the worst possible choices. and i honestly believe that a lot of the choices are going to have a very long lasting consequences.
  24. i wonder why is it that immigrants from former soviet block move to england ireland, france or other countries and they don't lock themselves in a ghettos? and why is it that they can find jobs and immigrants from north africa can't?
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