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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. still doesn't change the fact you are just another cunt. besides- i am here to stay, get used to it beyotch. now go felch on your uncle's ass. Well if you're one of "us", then stop talking and whining like one of "them" little vagina boy. just like your mom
  2. what's stopping you? after all that's where you're from too? I doubt Pink holds two passports and claims loyalty to another nation--despite an oath he took. you're one sad motherfucker.
  3. what's stopping you? after all that's where you're from too?
  4. still doesn't change the fact you are just another cunt. besides- i am here to stay, get used to it beyotch. now go felch on your uncle's ass.
  5. and of course communiust party of philipines was in iraq and is fundamentalist islam organization? your knowledge of geography and politics is astonishing. not to mention history. now go fuck some sheep or your uncle imbread!
  6. stfu- you should learn at least basic historical fact before voicing your opinion. it did not 10 years to secure germany. yeas- there were shortages, unemployment, and yes even crime (like everywhere). the point is nobody was shooting RPG's on the street and nobody was blasting bombs at the intersections. and 4200 soldiers did not die after end of major combat operation.
  7. Maybe because this is a TINY amount of progress SEVERAL YEARS after it was promised to us? Defending the Iraq war as anything other than a near disaster and a mistake shows a stunning amount of ability to blind one's self from the facts in order to avoid admitting just how WRONG you were. I'm not sure whether it is this site, or just your nature, but you get more and more stupid with each passing day. It took almost 10 years of military presence/occupation to acheive stability in Germany after WWII. Your blather is the product of a man-child who expects all things fully cooked and ready to eat after 2.5 minutes in the microwave. you are one dumb fuck. have you ever been to germany? i lived ther for almost 2 years and lived in europe for 23 and what you are saying is pure bullshit without an inch of merit. so to paraphrase you your spew is a product of school system that doesn't even teach basic history.
  8. maybe friggin puppet government over there figured out, that this crew under leadership of gb can do only two things- jack and shit. so as far as reconstructing the country they are way better of without help from this administration. but of course this thought did not appear in your peanut brain. and didn't gb say that there is going to be no time line.
  9. so where the fuck are all the neo-cons of this site to put a spin on this fiasco? KK? FW? or you finally see how ridiculously washed up your stance is!
  10. some nice shots, but a bit too long imo. some of the cuts could be shorter for a better pacing. also who is this climber- what is he like? if it is a trailer- it should be about 1 min long. if it is a story- what is the story. i don't mean these words in a negative way- just giving a thought to an editor of the movie, so take it as a constructive criticism- that's how i do learn. i also prefer no cross dissolve transitions, unless they serve a purpose in story telling. as far as music- copy rights is the issue here. you can't really use someone's music without obtaining copy rights. what i did in the past is an add on craigslist for local musicians to donate their music for credit. what you can do is specify kind of music you are interested in, write a contract. if you don't make any money- they get exposure and credit, but if you manage to sell the material they should get some form of ca$h- only fair. also garage band is a fairly good tool. there are also royalty free albums (about 100 bucks a pop).
  11. it is one of the best climbing films i have ever seen. some of the shots are spectacular, phenomenal job on edit and after effects!
  12. Actually, it's "a rich person got a deal?" Do you think Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Rupert Murdoch, or Michael Bloomberg don't get deals on huge loans also? rationalization. hypocrisy. gotta love it. and after all those crocodile tears about Haliburton. haliburton is a corporation and is being paid by government contracts. this is a normal house loan- a regular business deal. as the matter of fact i have heard about almost identical land loan in Blane WA. just fucking volume discount, same as costco.
  13. this administration seems is always right: how about htis time? looks like even the current ineffective government has second thoughts. looks like another great fiasco in the making.
  14. hey- let's not talk bad about lenin, stalin, pol pot and hitler. great fucking humans too. maybe you should also think about the trail of the victims these assholes left behind. sure thing- these guys made some mistakes, but they are not here to defend themselves- right? great fucking logic! face it- the reality is world is a better place without them.
  15. There's plenty more! Take a look, for example, at "Numbah 10" on the Lower Town Wall... Today's Lesson: Definition: 1) one who bolts cracks; 2) one who rap-bolts. have you led (free) numbah10 yourself? if no- stfu somehow you forget to mention a fucking man-made TUNNEL at the base of the cliff. plus let's not mention hardware left from the quarry. you are such a cunt!
  16. like slogging up a snow slope is all that interesting? i don't see anything special about that. and the weather sucks donkey dick.
  17. can you specify? because as of now you are just shooting your mouth off asshole
  18. first ascentionist changed his mind. you can always forgo bolts and place gear- that's your choice.
  19. Oh Really? I realize that in practice there aren't any issues, but you did take an oath... ยง 1448. Oath of renunciation and allegiance (a) Public ceremony A person who has applied for naturalization shall, in order to be and before being admitted to citizenship, take in a public ceremony before the Attorney General or a court with jurisdiction under section 1421 (b) of this title an oath (1) to support the Constitution of the United States; (2) to renounce and abjure absolutely and entirely all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which the applicant was before a subject or citizen; (3) to support and defend the Constitution and the laws of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; (4) to bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and (5) (A) to bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law, or (B) to perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law, or... http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/8/1448.html you are one dumb stupid fuck! one might think, that an officer of CIS might know a bit better current rules and regulations then you. since you are so handy with searches visit www.cis.gov and check for current regulations in that matter. one might even think that after going through an FBI background check, and interviews at CIS, and filing over 50 pages of applications, if my birthplace was an issue- it would have been mentioned by now? so here it is- i am legal citizen of this country. i pay the same taxes and obey the same laws. and if my birthplace is an issue- i would politely advise you just to fuck off. because in reality you are just another arrogant asshole pretending to be a good guy.
  20. for another winter: vl8GZU_B90M
  21. bill i was working on something else. this was just a little joke.
  22. in a bar fight i want rudy on my side. i have seen him wiping parking lot at smith with some big guys. and fyi i have 2 passports, so fuck off.
  23. k-rkrHRuya0 as i was working on something else a little joke project paned out. hope you enjoy it!
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