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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. oh and your front running stunt cock mc same did exactly the same: first of all- as far as his military record: "McCain's pre-combat duty began when he was commissioned an ensign, and started two and a half years of training as a naval aviator at Pensacola.[14] There he also earned a reputation as a partying man.[7] Graduating from flight school in 1960,[15] he became a naval pilot of ground-attack aircraft. McCain was then stationed in A-1 Skyraider squadrons,[16] on the aircraft carriers USS Intrepid and USS Enterprise,[17] in the Caribbean and Mediterranean Seas.[18] The planes he was flying crashed twice and once collided with power lines, but he received no major injuries.[18]" now how about this slimeball fw: "McCain's return to the United States reunited him with his family. His wife Carol had suffered her own crippling ordeal during his captivity, due to an automobile accident in December 1969.[54] Her husband became a celebrity of sorts, as a returned POW.[54]" "In April 1979,[55] McCain met and began a relationship with Cindy Lou Hensley, a teacher from Phoenix, Arizona, the only child of the founder of Hensley & Co.[58] Also in 1979, he pushed to end his marriage with his wife Carol, who accepted his request for a divorce in February 1980; the divorce became effective in April 1980." how about that you double standard bastard?
  2. 2 more things- roaches and rats in a hospital- bfd- go to any hospital in NYC and see if they aren't there as well. not to mention rate of infections in the hospitals. second is a huge fuck lie spread by insurance companies, that by switching to a different insurance model you would not be able to see a practitioner of your choice. newsflash- you can't any way, unless they are contracted with your insurance company! the most fair system would be to pay per pound of body weight!
  3. Wow, GREAT POINT! You know who has really bad roads? Bolivia. That's just proof that WE SHOULDN'T HAVE ROADS! I have friends who work and live in Sweden, and have been for several years now. Their comments on the socialized health care system there is a mixed bag. If we are going to emulate (and talk up how great) other socialized health care systems, we need to realistically evaluate them - not paint a one-sided, idealized view of them. for once i have to agree with you. but also let's admit the system we see right now sucks and needs to be changed. i also want to add- we don't have just health care crisis- it's health crisis. there is no system that can support 70% of population being FAT!
  4. nobody said it's worthless. look at the facts: first of all this face gets a solo or two every year. the route (if he did a regular route) was done in the 30's. part of the mystery of the face was the history of the FA. at this day and age with advances of technology (crampons and tools) i think it's a bit easier- don't you think? simply one should distinguish a good personal achievement and an objective value of such ascent. imo potter is a master of hype. i preferred the time when the ascents spoke for themselves.
  5. i don't think it's jealousy. tool he is indeed. i have heard a story, that makes me think his wife is and exact match. there were several solos of that face, like Mark Wilford's.
  6. Yes Bill....I wonder about the south as well.... I'm not connecting that statement.....what am I missing? Boner thinks the "South" and all its residents are dumb. Pretty funny coming from a guy with an IQ about 3 sigmas below the mean on the old Gaussian distribution. he is right. you should move there- you'd fit right in....
  7. you should expect some hostility in response to your rants. no my rants are in response to hostility. since i live, pay taxes and vote in this country i am in title to my own opinions.
  8. no- bashing intolerant asswipes like yourself. when i moved here 20 years ago i have never heard dushbags like yourself saying to go back to where i came from. as the matter of fact i remember very fondly people from NY state. and i don't have to like every friggin policy, particularly of this administration, which btw is the most pro- communist administration since WWII. not only running the economy like a personal piggy bank, but mind you going hand in hand with communist regimes of china and newly resurrected soviet union 2. the story about mcsame is he run out of fuel during a routine exercise. now, under normal circumstances a pilot like that would never fly a fighter fighter jet again. i know this story from someone who served with mcsame in one unit when it happened. he lives neaqr Carbondale Colorado and his first name is Ned. This is a completly legit story and it can be cofirmed. of course i would assume that his continuing career in the military as a jet pilot has something to do with mcsame's dad being a general? and don't expect me being nice to you, since you are openly hostile to immirants.
  9. Well, you forget your brains every day so, that's not so bad. i won't forget your mom
  10. Right after they look at photos of terrorist victims? You know compare them side by side. Why, we could show all the bloody pieces of the victims pulled out from the rubble of the twin towers. And every time someone opens their pie-hole about Israeli Zionists, why not make them look at some nice photos of the pieces of meat and blood splattered all over the pavement of some city in Israel. Just to help them get proper perspective to form a policy, you know? Let's also make all anti-death penalty folks look at graphic murder scene photos, and pro-death penalty folks watch executions. Just to formulate a proper opinion. Then we could move on to photos of aborted fetuses - you know, so folks could properly make up their mind on abortion! so what exactly 9/11 has do do with iraq, koniu? so btw where is bin laden?
  11. Lack of respect for military heroes is something I'll never understand... and running out of fuel and ditching a plane during the exercise and being able to fly again is something i don't understand. unless your daddy is a general...
  12. kozak, kozak jak z koziej dupy traba. kozak to ty tylko z za kompa, ale tak naprawde w zyciu to jestes facet bez jaj
  13. One thing I'll give him - at least Obama doesn't massage dudes but you do.
  14. no, i have heard your daddy did once to you in a toolshed. that would also explain you being a tool...... dull one too... do you climb wanker?
  15. there is no need for saving this gem for later. i am sure republifucks would have already used it long, long time ago. you are simply left without an argument, so stfu
  16. no yet again you have mistaken me with your mom.
  17. and having an affair and ditching your wife, who stood by you while in captivity and going through rehab doesn't show the character- right? now this is an ultimate flip- flop in my opinion. somehow all of you gun loving, family-values right wing butt-nutts have very selective memory, when it comes to these issues.
  18. this is a true picture of war, something washed up media doesn't show. Warning- pictures are extremely graphic! war these pictures were taken by polish soldiers in afganistan and iraq. more pictures
  19. i forgot my climbing shoes today. climbing some new 5.11 with my fivetennies gave me wicked pump, but it looks like every season i have one day when i forget either a harness, belay device or my friggin crampons (and walk all the way to the Sorcerer!). Shit!
  20. Is that where you learned about massaging other guys? no, it was your mom....
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