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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. glassgowkiss


    i hope you are not serious. Forgetting your history makes my joke unfunny. my bad, sorry
  2. glassgowkiss


    judging by a whooping response from people who claim to be "right wing" one must assume that their pussies shriveled upon surfacing of these facts. at least assintake is for once on the right side of the issue.
  3. glassgowkiss


    speaking of coming out of the closet, I notice that accusing someone of being gay seems to be pretty much the only arrow in your quiver. The lady doth protest too much, methinks. Anything you want to tell us? It's OK. You were born that way. You shouldn't be ashamed. Sorry to disappoint, but not gay and I have other arrows to fire. up the ass?
  4. glassgowkiss


    i hope you are not serious.
  5. glassgowkiss


    too little, too late- this sums up a foreign policy of the administration. it was obvious to me, that all the "back door deals" (like Yalta) always backfire in a long run. when will people in the West finally learn that you can't make deals with russia? this is the most pro- communist administration since WWII. Since 9/11 they went hand in hand with putin, who pretended fight with terrorists! US of A gave this mother fucker a free hand in Chechnya, they allowed him to resurrect soviet union 2. signs were all over, but yet again ignored by dumbshit Rice, who doesn't have a shred of knowledge about former eastern block and how things work over there. looking back i would not be surprised a bit if the whole 9/11 was not orchestrated from behind the scenes (through their proxies) by GRU, which judging by the number of spies removed from Great Britain is alive and well. Anyway- this is just the begging. i am sure "russian minorities" of Baltic States, Slovakia, Poland and Ukraine will need to be defended by all mighty russian red army.
  6. fw you are on shrooms. what you just wrote has nothing to do with reality. kk, canyon swiller or pink might have a coherent point now and then. so far you produced a pile of verbal garbage. you really live in a la-la land. does your family know you need a psychiatric care loony?
  7. no- nothing but mouth is your mom. i said if you really believe and challenge me go fuck a pig if you lose. can't you fucking read boy?
  8. he managed to run out of fuel once and crash one into a power line another time. i am sure his judgment is not an issue. Are you ready to take the Fairweather challenge? One year, no spray and no replacement avatars says that McCain wins in November. You go away for one year. If Obama wins, I go away--1 year; spray/pirate/sensitivio forums only. (You can still post all your trip reports ) I think I know America better than you do. What do you say? I've offered this deal to Prole and TTK too, but no takers. Must accept in open forum. No PM's. are you so sure? let's do a deal, if you lose- you'll have to fuck a pig- how about that? i'll tape that and post it on youtube. deal?
  9. he managed to run out of fuel once and crash one into a power line another time. i am sure his judgment is not an issue.
  10. because they can't afford it or the insurance company dropped them because they developed some form of disease, that costs a lot of money to treat. a middle aged parents of family of 4 would have to pay between 800 -1000 per month for insurance policy. an annual average income in the US for 2006 was $48,201.00. thats roughly 9600- 12000 per year for health insurance. standard deduction on 1040 for married filing jointly is 10700. this is what the deduction is, however nobody will tell me that you can pay rent/ mortgage, gas, car insurance and groceries for 1 year for 4 people and it would cost 10.700 bucs. do the friggin math before you spew a bunch of bullshit. once again your story is a pile of turd.
  11. yob tvoyu mat', lyakhu. need a tissue? looks like all the right wing shit talk giving you hypertension fluff boyee.
  12. I'm hurt, KK. I just asked you to explain what was the basis for your angry retorts and blanket statements and you call me names and tell me to piss off. Is this your idea of critical thinking? don't expect too much matt. following suite of nikita next thing he'll do is smash his shoe on a pulpit.
  13. relativism in a straight form, koniu!
  14. Wow! Another MattP! I'm "claiming it works". You guys are laughable. one more try- why do you think a cost of a physician working night should be $450 more per shift. can you answer one fucking question straight without using communist methods of relativism?
  15. in which period he admits to having other extra marital affairs Like I said, his first marriage didn't work out. Pretty normal. He's on his second now. Has he been cheating on this wife for 28 years? If not, good luck with that old history. so edwards' marriage had some problems, lot's of them do, quite normal according to you. now fuck off! so edwards' marriage had some problems, lot's of them do, quite normal according to you. now fuck off!
  16. now can you logically explain to me a 450 bucs difference? don't forget that most of people who suffer a major illness go bankrupt even with insurance. fantasy land is where you live, since you are claiming the system works.
  17. in which period he admits to having other extra marital affairs exactly!
  18. no dipshit you are for a complete double standard logic. dushbag has an affair and then ditches his wife.
  19. Edwards didn't divorced her either. what i am saying that pulling some shit out of someone's bedroom is a double edge sword and in this case it's not going to end well your your front running stunt cock. i am sure a little investigation around your "part man" pilot might reveal more then one lack of judgment in the past (like crashing 2 planes)
  20. and elimination of frivolous lawsuits and the need for overpriced malpractice insurance now this is a load of shit. how about forcing insurance companies to pay within 30 days of billing for the service. and introducing a cost control. now can you explain why an ER doc get 450 bucs extra for working a night shift (St Joseph's B-ham)? and who ends up paying for it down the road? now i understand why putting 3 stitches in my foot costs $375!
  21. BTW, the accident occurred in 1969 and the divorce in 1980. Never mind those details though! As for the age comment, well, if this is his character flaw, he should have long ago left Cindy for a newer, younger model, right? Shit, they've been together 28 years now. Your argument is weak. the accident was in 1969 and she was undergoing medical treatment still in 1980. never mind these details- still divorced while she was in treatment. no- it's your argument that is weak.
  22. healthcare reform should start with lowering tuition for med students and with increase in pay for residents. it's ridiculous to leave school with 200-250k in a hole.
  23. no, looks to me he preferred a younger, better looking, richer and not crippled pussy without kids. it doesn't make him a hero for paying a friggin child support.
  24. Seems pretty normal to me. For many people their first marriage doesn't work out. let me see:1979 affair, 1980 divorce. from wife who stood by him and was crippled in an accident. looks like slime to me...
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