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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. glassgowkiss

    Gun Control

    Yes, NRA wants to focus on mental health issues- don't know if it's going to work all that great in a long term, because that would include exposing probably half of their members as loonies.
  2. glassgowkiss

    Gun Control

    Now, these were not your home invasions, weren't they? So it looks like you turn whichever way the wind blows. And yeah, the second part isn't racist, isn't it?
  3. glassgowkiss

    Gun Control

    LOL. How about this dude, lets just agree to disagree. We are going in circles here and not changing anyone's mind. I think you are a pussy because you are scared of guns, you think I'm a pussy because I carry a gun. Meh in the end what does it really matter? You defend yourself and your family in whatever way you deem best and I will do the same. I'm tired of posting up facts about guns, you guys clearly don't give a shit. I realize I just shouldn't give a shit about the opinions of a bunch of people on an internet site. Defend your family from what?- those gangs in central WA or whichever sheepshag you live in? How many fucking braking and entering have you had recently in your area? Wow, I forgot, when you were moving you saw a black guy. I bet he was in a gang. Yes, I stopped giving shit about opinions of racist assholes and paranoid retards, who are just too fucking dumb to even comprehend basics.
  4. glassgowkiss

    Gun Control

    You don't even see the stupidity of your own argument: a marine with gun, shooting on a parking lot stopped by an armed man- wow!!! like the gun was NOT an problem in a first place? fucking great logic!
  5. glassgowkiss

    Gun Control

    And this shows utter hypocrisy of teabagggers. How are you supposed to enforce the laws and cut budgets? It doesn't add up. Give you an example: in Whatcom County a parole officer has 50+ active cases and 24 hours a week to deal with them. It is due to budgetary cuts, all parole officers are furloughed 2 days a week.
  6. glassgowkiss

    Gun Control

    crazy- is it your analysis? Not crazy- according to NRA. According to you and NRA, we don't need any gun laws, because the system is working. THAT IS FUCKING CRAZY!!!!
  7. glassgowkiss

    Gun Control

    That is exactly why there has to be the separation of a State and a religion.
  8. glassgowkiss

    Gun Control

    They actually only scrapped registration of long-guns, and it was scrapped after the conservative party gained a majority. Sound familiar? Or was it found to be completely ineffective, costly, unenforceable and a thorn in the side for law abiding citizens? I have read about countries with effective gun laws. It kills me to be compared to anything Europe. Not to beat a dead horse, but we ain't fuckin' Europe dude. Holy shit look at the gay rights issue! We get our panties in a twist when a tit slips out on National TV and people expect everyone to just accept gay rights? Germany has tits in cereal commercials for god's sake. well, funny you say that. it turns out people tend to think like that all over the world, including Iraq and Afghanistan. So before you use this argument, you should know it works both ways.
  9. Great human physiology knowledge. I guess your brain must be skinny, otherwise you'd not write such bullshit. Which of these true statements do you disagree with? a) you can't live without fat b) your brain is mostly made of fat (> 50%) What I will agree is that your and Tvash statements are from "science go bad" category. And when we are talking "fat" do you mean lipids or you mean adipose tissue? Because what is part of your brain and what hangs around your fat ass are 2 different types of tissues. I guess the fat from your ass drifted into your brain and that would actually explain your simpleton post.
  10. Great human physiology knowledge. I guess your brain must be skinny, otherwise you'd not write such bullshit.
  11. I couldn't live without my gun. for most it's more like I can't live without fat.
  12. well, it's not a laughing matter. At St Joe's here in B-ham there was a patient (late 60's), who walked and drove with massive MI for 14 hours. Ended up dying in ICU after 11 days. These are not isolated cases.
  13. That is changing fast. My wife is working in ICU, and there are multiple cases of people with hart issue as young as 28 recently. Having numerous people with cardio-vascular problems in ICU between mid 40 to mid 50's is becoming a new norm fast. And no argument about nurses in general not being in the best shape.
  14. Again, completely dense. I posted that article for the specifics of the economic impact of the SARS outbreak. That you then detour to a irrelevant comparative rant is no surprise. We won't even get into your entirely odd inability to grasp the concept of a pandemic. Dense is your friggin brain! WE ARE HAVING PANDEMIC NOW! it's called FAT FUCKS! And any economic impact from SARS is a chomp change to the economic impact of fat people.
  15. Joseph, this is such a pile of crap. Go to your local ICU and see who is there? It's not the flu, which is wrecking the economy, but pandemic of obesity. But there is no vaccine against it. And if you consider cardio-vascular diseases kill 2.5 million a year, why are people worrying about some stupid potential outbreak? I think it would be far more important to actually deal with issue at hand.
  16. glassgowkiss

    Gun Control

    Being around these idiots makes me feel safe and cozy. [video:youtube]xxnhgkYa9dQ
  17. Mods, please move this stupidity to spray, where it belongs.
  18. The time it takes to do a route is just a part of it. It's also objective danger and difficulties with placing gear. Take Nemesis and Curtain Call- same length, Nemesis mostly easier then the other, Nemesis is full grade up due to location. Take Riptide- a great route WI4, WI3 and WI5/5+. Grade 6. We did it as a party of 3 in about 8 hours car to car, with filming on the route.
  19. Anyone heading to Index this weekend?
  20. There is nothing about my statement that in any way contradicts anything I've posted up-thread. Are you really this obtusely clueless? of course it's bullshit what you state. Actually modern medicine is good at two things: fixing trauma and controlling mass infections. You can implement isolation and preventive measures (like wearing masks). Travel can get restricted during emergencies as well- vide 9/11. I am sure people nowadays live in open trenches year round eating about one meal every other day. Comparing 1918 pandemic to modern times is just plain stupid. Men between 16 and 40 were on front lines of the conflict, living in trenches for years, mostly eating poorly and under constant stress. Saying that under such circumstances anyone can have a "robust immune system" shows utter lack of understanding basics of human biology and any knowledge of history of the era. The same way one could argue cholera is also a threat. Yes, we had an outbreak- in Haiti after the huge earthquake. If you represent scientific community of this country, no wonder that 50% of Phd's in the US are held by foreign nationals. Looks like you can't even comprehend basics.
  21. You're really not following along are you? There is absolutely nothing about our knowledge of viruses, better hygiene and better nutrition today that would mean diddlysquat in the face of a novel flu pandemic. Nothing. In fact, about the only real difference is today's transportation system just insures the much more rapid spread of any such a virus. Otherwise there's nothing about our current readiness, health or readiness which would halt such a pandemic or lessen its toll. How about this as biggest bullshit statement of the day? The best is you are contradicting all your earlier posts- good job!
  22. Mass killing pandemic like that would not happen due to knowledge we have now about viruses, better hygiene and better nutrition. Food shortages were rampart and vast amount of population was suffering from heavy malnutrition, so after 4 years it would be hard to have a robust immune system. Your argument boils down to fear mongering.
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