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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. if your shoulder hurts on the top you very common problem is "painful arc" syndrome. it's an inflammation in superspinatus or the tendon of the muscle. it's quite common to have the whole thing start with levator scapulae (in your neck). first of all ice the hell out of it for at least few days. second, get it checked out and get the proper diadnosis and treatment. could be long head of the biceps brachi, also pectoralis minor.
  2. more inland there is ice by that time, but on the coast it would be early. canadian rockies have usually good conditions at this time though.
  3. there are a couple of guidebooks out there, i think only one in english. it's a large area, so know where you want to go. the best areas i think are Tre Cime Di Lavaredo, Marmolada, Civetta group. Torre Trieste has some cool climbing on it. Torre Venecia would be a good place to start. you can camp for free on the medows below the spires. be careful with the gear rip-offs, don't leave money or passport in the tent. On the medow below Tre Cime there is GREAT bouldering. for rainy days a visit to Erto - overhangs will leave you pumped for a week! Other areas worth visiting are Sella group, Toffana di Roses. Cinque Torri has some shorter routes. if you don't have a car bus or thumb works ok, but be ready to walk a bit. see you there at the end of july
  4. I've seen new ones with a tiny visual flaw for less than this. Good look selling them at this price. just checked bd web page- $189, don't think you're going to see them for much less. i forgot- i pay for shipping even to canada.
  5. getting paid for punching the clown only in america!!!!!
  6. my point. you don't have such a possibility while reading guidebooks. on ice-alpine-mixed climbs conditions change. it's a part of the game. with guidebooks printed every about 10 - 12 years internet can be a grat tool. look for will gadd's web page or bc ice climbing page, where you can find info on newer climbs. what i am getting at: if people want to spray- fine. if i want to find a climb not described in a guide i want: 1 how to get there 2how long (aprox) it will take to do it 3what gear to bring 4how the route goes 5 how to get down alpine climbing should not serve you your climb on the plate- here it is... i am sure ther is going to be a flury of new climbs, a lot of FWA and FFA. it would be very helpful if you can just open a page, print out a deascription, go and do the route... i am not talking about TR's. I am talking only about FA, FWA, FFA, not about established climbs.. on these spray on... i am just talking about historical record.
  7. wrong- check the galery, there a picture of my face
  8. the door to the ohter post is open. there should be no reply possibility, just info, the rest is spray...
  9. really - trying to find info on the web page like this is a real drag. 90% of the posts are pure spray. i think we need a seperate space for posting FA, FFA, FWA. names, dates, time, difficulty, gear, route topo or description, picture (if possible) and that is it. the rest can go to spray, where the spray-lords can duke it out. one post, topic closed take it to spray... ciao
  10. a pair of bd rage for sale.used 2 seasons. both hammers. one brand new pick, second in a very good shape. $280 takes. email me for details....
  11. this is a proposal for people running this web site. to cut a long story short- most of the posts on this web site should be posted in spray... there is also a differance between completing an established route, doing first free ascent, doing a first winter ascent and climbing a new route. there should be a space to post FFA,FWA and FA seperatly from everything else. Names, time, difficulty, gear, route description and a photo (if possible). Topic closed, so spray, no bullshit. People who look for information don't have to suffer reading through all the bullshit posted by spraylords. spraylords can do their pissing fights in spray.
  12. any 12 year old single malt should do . in case of heavy activity 25 yeard old is your choice (spendy). for extreme use everclear.
  13. yes, and if you take a jet to new zealand you can climb Heart of Gold (10 pitches WI5) in June!! slipstream is climbable in june (some years). these pics from asteroid alley- june 2- don't have to jet to new zeland. my comment was there is usually more ice early in the season in the rockies, since the climbs don't form from melt freeze, but from water sources pouring out of the rock. yes, there is a few climbs forming later on (like see your neighbors), but most of them- if they don't form by mid november, they don't form at all.
  14. thanks jb for the photos. there is a lot more snow on this picture compared to the time of FA, so it's kind of hard to see all the features. but with the description of the FA party it should be really obvious. there is a vast number of new lines in the area to be climbed- mixed-alpine, ice- you name it. with a well broken trail it should be possible to do some of them car to car in a long day. i hope more people climb there and it becomes the Ben of N. Cascades.
  15. i drew a line of the new climb on pyramid. when i get a larger file photo i'll try to do a better job. thanks jb. it's in the gallery- alpine
  16. you're not going to learn about snow and avalanches on internet. just take an avalanche class or climb with people with more experience.
  17. December? ice starts usually in october/ november. this year people were swinging tools by first week of october. no crowds, no snow and the roads are open- 20 minutes to whiteman, 1hr to stanley glacier headwall
  18. 04.03. east meets west according to dot web page. so when can we start driving?
  19. Take it easy, finding climbing partners here is really not hard. Like I said, you'll be set as soon as you meet a few people at pub club. What information do you want? Did you do that search for Amber yet? pub club? you mean a bunch of drunk spraylords with 25% body fat
  20. Hey glass gow kiss my ass! Why don't you go and make a positive contribution (besides your photos) and post your opinion on my Gear Critic thread hey sheepshager, not my problem your dick is small and your ego writes check your body can't cash. if you decide to take things personally - don't blame this one on me.
  21. since most of the wankers posting here can't climb for shit- do yourself a favor. go to vertical world or stoned gardens and find some people to climb with. or go to squamish on a weekend, much nicer place then choss heap aka north cascades.
  22. Who's on the short list for your booty call, then? since she is from eugine the question is: are your legs shaved? do you feel lucky, now do you punk?
  23. oh burp- do you need a tissue? guess what- i actually put myself through the torture of reading this stupid thing you have posted. do you think i am so stupid? and even if it is someone who you know, so what. what it tells me she shouldn't be in the army in the first place. i could see someone who was drafted making points like that. but as far as i know nobody is forcing people to sign up for the service. so if you sing up and decide to do something don't bitch and complain about it. and what climbing has to do with the whole situation anyway ? matt- i tend to agree with your post. let's just hope next elections shrub monkey goes down the drain and the damage can still be somewhat undone. on the other hand people who put a lot of energy into anti- war protests- i wish you'd also demend that hussein was removed. this victim of the agression shit doesn't really jive with me either
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