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About KeithHow

  • Birthday 01/17/1960


  • Occupation
    business owner - medical
  • Location
    Spokane, WA

KeithHow's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. Wild Country Ropeman II. I use this A LOT. I think its helped my trad placements to rope solo and place lots of pretend gear and ponder.
  2. Anyone been? Any fresh beta besides the 2/24 Live the Vision "snow cone" report?
  3. Hey Mammut How are the approaches? I climbed there twice in December at Goat Creek and want to go back. Thought it might be a bit, uh, deep.
  4. Ice climbed Sunday at Mission Falls, Montana. 3 1/2 hours from Spokane. Absolutely beautiful day. Great routes. It's a shame to have discovered such a beautiful location so late in the season. Would post some pics if I could figure out how. Help, anyone?
  5. Ice climbing at Banks Lake Sunday. Just rapped off Trotskys Revenge when not five minutes after we hit the ground a large portion of the upper curtain released, barely missing us. Scary shit.
  6. Also, figure eight on a bight to rewoven figure eight for ropes of different diameters.
  7. RE Punch Bowl deathsicles, I watched a large one come off Saturday morning - a rather convincing deterrent. The Cable looked sweet, almost down. Will probably TR it Sunday if not too warm. A pretty reasonable approach to Salt and Pepper. We only had one rope so we rapped to the base of the last pitch and did laps on that, and then belayed both pitches from the top. Lots of other stuff forming that will likely be in this weekend.
  8. WTF? I was at Banks Saturday and the Punch Bowl deathsicles were raining terror on all. We top roped Salt n Peppa instead. No 'sicles?
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