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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. quote: Originally posted by sisu suomi: Other than that dribble by the VEGE BELAY does anyone really want to kill pigs(I'm talking swine here nothing else, so we don't get another weird thread). This could turn into fun resulting in meat, tusks and some real fun...rifle, hand guns, bow and arrows I'm not picky how I get fresh meat. I did hear from an old friend of mind that boar is not as tasty as sow. But I am not a swine expert so... Dribble!? Ok pigs. I have a buddy who lives in Pt Townsend that was going to go hunting for the pigs on the penninsula with his son. He went to a sporting goods shop in the Montesano area to get the beta on where the pigs are being taken. In retrospect he felt like they might be steering him the wrong direction to keep the pigs to themselves, but he and his son teamed up with a couple that was up from California and they headed out. They drove around on logging roads and did a lot of bushwhacking but didn't see any signs of pigs. I guess about 50 were taken out last year by the locals and the Quinnault Indians, so there must be some out there somewhere. I would like to go.
  2. quote: Originally posted by Dru: I think he means you gotta put it in BOLD TYPE ? I did
  3. quote: Originally posted by Norman Clyde: The correct spelling of Flourish is Flourish . Look it up if you don't believe me. Norman, he's fixed it since my post. Stay with us here.
  4. A REI chopstick cam would be fun to watch to see what kind of intrepid NW climbers are driving this market.
  5. quote: Originally posted by Dru: You mean my cubicle might be haunted? I'm certain my cubicle is haunted because there is a phantom lingering.
  6. And this was the first topic I ever started. Somehow I'm flattered!
  7. quote: Originally posted by payaso:[QB]Sorry I was inaccurate in my previous post, the chopsticks cost $24.95. http://www.rei.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ProductDisplay?prrfnbr=6204297&prmenbr= 8000&cgrfnbr=5777365QB] "Take your international flair with you into the backcountry--these high-tech chopsticks are the perfect match for a freeze-dried Thai dinner" I been to Canadiana - do I got international flair?
  8. Ok I hate to be part of the spelling police but when you spell FLOURISH incorrectly in your sig and we have to see it every time you post well, someone has to say something.
  9. Nice pics Jstreet! My, doesn't Icy BC look......steep
  10. I'm only gettin' about 55 bucks back and I'm having the same trouble. I'm thinking about books also, but maybe gaiters, or superfeet insoles. I could use some ideas too.
  11. quote: Originally posted by dan e:[QB I used to be so anti-REI, until I gave in. I am happy to say I used my dividend to buy a pair of 5.10 Spire rock shoes and a spacious two-man, three season Mountain Hardware tent for car camping, ect. Dan E.[/QB] I'll say you gave in - how much do you have to spend to get a dividend that size?!?!?
  12. quote: Originally posted by allison: But seriously, I'm on Page 12 if the infamous 'Muir on Saturday' thread, and I have to say that you guys really, really crack me up. Especially having met the rather mild-mannered in person Alpine K at a couple of Pub Clubs...I'd'a never thunk he could be at the center of such a SCANDAL. What is probably more amazing is the fact that I had nothing to add to that entire thread!
  13. quote: Originally posted by TIMM@Y: does anyone have those mountain hardware ventigaiters, comments? I have a ventilateable pair of Mt Hardware gaiters with a zipper in the back. I hate them in the snow because they connect with velcro along the side and a button at the bottom. In snow, the button always comes undone and fills with snow so you can't snap it together without stopping and digging the snow out.
  14. Yeah log in! All these gapers want to go to Pub Clubs and meet each other and then lurk all day!
  15. quote: Originally posted by Alpine Tom: Their website goes on to say: 'If adverse weather or route conditions prevent the entire party from reaching Camp Muir on day two, you will receive a $287.00 credit for another Summit Climb. Individuals who are unable to reach Camp Muir or complete their program will not receive a refund.' In other words, if you sign up in September for a climb next July and that weekend happens to be poor weather, but part of the group presses on to Muir, well, you’re out of luck. But if the weather is so bad that no one reaches Muir, you’re only out $441, plus the rental fees. If you’re willing to try again later in the season. I've also heard that RMI will set out from Muir in the a.m. in even the worst weather to get the group to Ingraham Flats before a turnaround. This assures no refunds.
  16. quote: Originally posted by payaso: I don't always bother to "register." I'm sure most people are unaware of whether they are logged in or not, who cares? It's just nice to know who's around, doncha think. What if we had 45 guests instead
  17. There are a couple of pics of the route here - very steep: http://users.erols.com/espina/Climbing/Ice98/Slide_Show.html
  18. What a difference a week makes eh? Last week Canadian tv was lambasting the team and coach for poor performance and just barely winning a preliminary game and now it's all good in Canuckville.
  19. vegetablebelay


    Damn, that's trippy. I think a better question is what's wrong with the guy who posted it?
  20. quote:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Originally posted by Charlie:I just got back from sport climbing at vantage and i am wearing a pair of tights.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wouldn't count on Charlie for any throw-down.
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