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Everything posted by minx

  1. divorce works for some people so does marriage i used to say that marriage was just a piece of paper then i got married now i know it really is just a piece of paper.
  2. wow---i'm sensing rumr and tvash getting a little defensive. yes perhaps they do have meaning for the individual.... maybe not who cares? just another statistic
  3. i didn't say i had it bad. i just said marriage isn't worth it
  4. if i weren't so lazy i'd dig up the study probaby rather old though happiest: 1) single women 2) married men 3) single men 4) married women
  5. So I keep hearing! Is marriage good for anyone? I mean, seriously. Aside from the tax breaks? NO! don't do it! the tax breaks aren't worth it
  6. no its taped on the inside of my locker door.
  7. just yours KKKKKK, just yours
  8. well now i'm completely appalled
  9. ha! well i posted that pic, you have no idea who that is a pic of
  10. I doubt that too
  11. i doubt that
  12. Guys Minx....he just called you guy! Ban? i've been called worse than that, probably in the last half an hour. and how do you know that i'm not?
  13. somebody is telling a fib.....
  14. more knobs and buttons are better. more ways to turn things on, light things up and make a lot of noise
  15. what if i go left and right?
  16. just sayin...
  17. just cuz she might be a man hater doesn't make her wrong
  18. wow...if hillary does that for you, i'd hate to know what obama does!
  19. guess i pushed your button
  20. we know which buttons to push we have more! where's that diagram?
  21. i figured she just strapped it on but ummm either way....
  22. what's the use of being in power if you can't round up your enemies for questioning? absolutely nothing! and i hope she leads with her penis if she wins more power...er...the election!
  23. i fondle my gear as often as possible
  24. minx


    PC-- FWIW, i saw the pic, and you look great in it but having it pulled is cool too.
  25. yep, kevbone it is. its all a big bed of roses. parenting, like childbirth, (which you apparently know a bit about) is always a piece of cake. its pain and joy and exhilaration and exhaustion and craziness and pride and worry and excitement and everything
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