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Everything posted by minx

  1. Believe it or not, we like it that way too. Hell, if we didn't, we wouldn't allow it. and arch steps in with the closing remarks on the topic. no truer words were ever typed (on this thread at least)
  2. ahhh--our motivational speaker makes an appearance. Mr.K can be the token motivational speaker who will inspire us to take our spray to a new a level.
  3. anytime you want.
  4. well you are a shithead and that is not a theory
  5. interesting--canabalism, a new aspect to this event. the committee will take it under advisement
  6. well as long as it's just the jello he's eating--we're not running a XXX sprayfest. that would be NSFW and then we couldn't post the pics. that and we'd have to make sure that arch didn't think he was proposing when he presents her with a plate of jello.
  7. it is a spray event...i suppose that a maser would be fitting.
  8. would you like to be a pannelist in during that portin of our event? or just cooridinator of the pre-symposium festivities? We'll have to talk to arch about making a guest appearance in the jello wrestling pit.
  9. damn--i'm clearly not going to be editor of the peer reviewed journal "Annals of Spray" until i improve my typing and spelling.
  10. hmmm...good question. i'm open to suggestions. steven seagal should be able to keep order
  11. hilary and bill clinton?
  12. of course, you will be maser of ceremony. we need somebody to oversee the spray. of course this could only occur in the sprayverse. should archie and kevbone ever be in the same enclosed space, there might be a fracture in the universe and seahawk might evolve
  13. I think the time has come for a sprayers only event debate and slide show topics to be covered: Evolution: there's no way in hell? open forum (please bring scientific references and charts for the slide show) Conservative v. Liberal -- PP will provide a list of articles from the economist to explain how we will fund social security. Family Values and Morality -- Fairweather will debate sex choc on why the children of today will pay for their parents shortcomings by becoming non-contributing members of society and moving to costa rica to become surf bums. Why are men pigs? (except OW and Oly)-- Archie will provide an ass kicking demonstration on Kevbone. She might bring a hockey stick as a prop. Religion: if those terrorist bastards believed in jesus there would be no problems these will be followed by a free-for-all brawl and beer drinking. our closing remarks will be on the topic -- why can't we all just shutup and drink?
  14. maybe, but i'm sucker for good chart and cited reference.
  15. Nice work foraker I'll present some arguments with out specifics like foraker just provided. I challenge you to google Richard Trott. Transitional forms? there are several transitional forms of dinosaurs in the fossil record. ceratopsian ---> triceratops Australopithecus? Neanderthals?
  16. Duane Gish, PhD? Doctor of what? Where was this published? Again, peer reviewed journals would be nice. "probably smarter than you" perhaps smarter than me, perhaps not. A PhD doesn't not really ensure "smart" and certainly not common sense. Seahawks I'd also remind you that there are plenty of smart people who post here including some PhDs and PhD wannabes. Where's gary when we really need him to be smart?
  17. ahh then, mr. creationist, who/what created the creator? if there is a creator, who has become so disgusted with us that it doesn't spend much time 'round these parts anymore, then we are in fact nothing more than abandoned action figures in a child's backyard game. much like the little army figures that my son and his friends play with, get bored with, and leave for another day. do you really believe that we are the toys in something's game?
  18. oh good, quoting articles from 1960 as though science has not moved on. lets try something more recent. and perhaps, lets delve into the realm of macrobiology rather quantum physics and physical chemistry. Not that they aren't relevant, just going for some diversity.
  19. Which holes would those be? Please specify and show actual data supporting your arguments. Please show how this data contradicts all other data supporting evolution. This could go on forever. There are a million thing. How far is the moon moving away from the earth each year?? How far back do you have to go before nothing works?? No fossil records to support evolution. On and on the list goes. Shall I grab all the articles?? It takes just as much faith to beleive evolution. And point is neither side can be proved. In debates by both sides neither side wins becuase neither side can be proved. So you have chosen your faith, Go ahead and beleive in it. But it is based on theory not fact. yes, please grab the articles. from peer reviewed scientific journals if you don't mind.
  20. Like to see you prove he doesn't. can't prove a negative.
  21. what do my sheets have to do with any of this? :fahq: :fahq:
  22. eric b-- our society is far more skewed towards religion than it is for the athiests. evolutions is not a theory, it belongs in a science class, creationism belongs in a social studies class. teach it there, i don't care but don't teach my child religion in science class. please. in my son's grade school, there was once a reading of the story of jesus's birth and another christmas related story the next year. gee--way to keep that religion out of the classroom. there wasn't a story about hannukah or ramadan or shiva. just jesus. my son has been told on several occasions that his mom is going to hel b/c we don't go to church. gee thanks. 'preciate that nice warm fuzzy bit of christianity.
  23. yeah and btw--your religion means my child is brought up in a world where people believe that a dead guy came back to life after 3days. freaks him out. i don't like you forcing your beliefs on me.
  24. Atheists are trying to create a society where my child will grow up being told that children are an unfortunate consequence of sex. I don't like you forcing your beliefs on me. what????? when has that become associated with athiests? that's ridiculous. i think my son is the best thing that ever happened. i don't think he's a gift from god but i do think he's the most amazing thing ever. the implication of that comment is that your children are more special(unique) in their creation (a gift from god) than a puppy. newsflash--it's all the same--sperm+egg=offspring. i don't think children should be deluded about their relationship to the rest of ecosystem. the biology is pretty similar regardless of species. except that komodo dragon...
  25. yes seahawks, it is my green pill. i think you'll find that its not the atheists shoving their vision of anything down anybody's throats. we have nothing to lobby for and "god" isn't going to punish us for not doing our best to spread "the word". those with religious ideals feel mandated to spread their version and are not content to let everyone coexist with their belief system. my comment wasn't meant in anyway to prostelytize. in fact it was a reflection of me bristling at KK's obvious dismissal and insulting of atheists. he is obviously religious and unwilling to accept that other's viewpoints and happiness don't depend on "god".
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