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Everything posted by COL._Von_Spanker

  1. COL._Von_Spanker


    My family was sooners.. so fuck all y'all. Texas sux. It's too bad their bid to seceed from the union was squashed, cause then we would'nt have to deal with y'all.
  2. The sling is indeed green, I was there the same day.
  3. Actually, my boss just left so I'm outta here now...... So long suckers......
  4. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: what time are the first bums showing up Early'ish since I work over here and want to get the hell out of the orifice ASAP, so I'll probably leave at 5. Maybe I'll go to Marymoore to kill some time, unless others are goin' early. What time does lord 'softy' let you out of yer cave?
  5. If the content of the mag bothers so many people why read it. People gripe for the sake of gripping. It's like all those people who complain about starbucks and how they dominate the world blah blah blah, but go there because "the coffee at the gas station is so gross". If it bothers you don't read it, buy it, or support it. If it really bother you enough, mobilize your illiterate self, write and article and submit it. Send them a TR every week and maybe they will start to see what's goin on up here. ALPINIST, seems to be a good, new publication. No ads (thus the high sticker price) and good articles, big and glossy. I have only read the first issue but it seems pretty good. You can download the first issue as a PDF Alpinist Magazine
  6. "wet dream"
  7. Since I work on the eastside, I may be there sorta early. Anyone other east-sidaz' gonna be there early? Otherwise ill just cruise the strip in Little Santa Barbara (kirkland) for ladies.
  8. Just to make you feel better the weather was horrible over in L-werth... No wait, it was sunny and warm. Sorry.
  9. I also love what he's doin'. It's da bomb. You know how teleskiiers have those stickers that say "free your heels", now there's gonna ber stickers that say "free your wrists" (BTW I just copywrited that). I've never been one to criticize technique. The whole climbing with tools and whether its' aid dicussion is all semantics anyway.
  10. Specific details, (ie departure time.) Granite huh? I have heard leavanworth is realy cool but i didn't know there was rock climbing there.
  11. So then what's the deal with 11werth?
  12. I may do black peak, but if that doesn't go through what time at the lot? Erik, are you going to Bavariatown or are you gonna be a sporto at 38?
  13. M0.3? Good, That means I can step it up a couple notches. M 0.1= If you can see snow somewhere on the MT while yer climbin' but you never actually touch snow.
  14. Yo D, I was sort of hoping to get those to replace the Trango s' that I bought a few months ago that have come unstitched. in the bacl on both boots. I saw some of the newer ones and they have added a double stitch, but keep yer eye on 'em. BTW- I hold no personal grudges against people who won stuff, other than the fact that I vehemently hate them for winning, as I didn't.
  15. quote: Originally posted by sexual chocolate: But resting on his tools? Cheating! (Did you notice the velcro on his chest and shoulders?)[/QB] So is using tool not cheating? as far as I;m concerned any time you're holdin' a tool, and the tool is on something you're resting on it. Ice Climbing=Aid Climbing on Ice
  16. My grapes are definately of the sour variety but they will soon be stomped into the best of wines. I don't really care about not gettin' free shit, nor about the raffle as a whole, my humor is obviously lost on some. Just tryin' to get some hate mail goin. Maybe C-man will offer to knock my block off too. Those slides make me feel like a total hack.
  17. We are so damn disorganized There's and assload of people looking for partners. Why doesn't everyone meet up. It seems like craggin' is what's goin down. It can be like one bid disfunctional partridge family. "I think I love you but what am I so afraid of...."
  18. I didn't win an F'in thang. Some dopes won a bunch of shit you know they'll never use. And that ungrateful dude WTF? I guess thats what happens when you got handlebars. I liked when he hooked the two tools together and then to the harnes for a rest. Very creative. My new goal it to heel hook evertthing, in fact my heel is are hooked on my montor, typing this message is totally the crux.
  19. I may be down, how long do you think it will take car2car up the NE Ridge? The snow conditions may turn it into a mixed climb which would be fun. This is sorta helpful TR (for possible snow conditions)
  20. What does Black MT go at? I've looked at doing that in the past, but can't remember the details?
  21. I think Ingalls is a good intro trad climb. It's got the alpine ambiance but isn't crazy exposed.
  22. Where were you thinkin'
  23. Hows the Kautz this time of year? When exactly are you goin? Are you lookin for partners?
  24. It's starting to sound like I can hit all the hot spots by going s. then east. Wind river would be nice but the questionable weather is a concern. Thanks for all the good tips off-white, I guess the trip will depend somewhat on the company. If I end up solo, a Jtree I can panhandle for belays, or just meet up with people. I'll have to get some more info from you regarding the mentioned places as the departure arrives. Anyone up for some early winter ascents? there's nothing like the thrill of unconsolidated snow and constant avalanches. I met this guy at FC that was telling me about a place in mexico that has some 16 pitch sport routes (not El Gigante) and a bunch of good trad routes. Does anyone know any spots to climb in mexico (Baja perferably)? PS Don't bother sprayin about bolts cause
  25. GT, your lingo is hittin' way to close to home... You're certainly a Plab fellow. This is very interesting though having spent all the years of my life near or on Aurora, I know it like the back of my hand and don't need any 99 beta, but thanks. Try catching the 16 in front of canlis, you'll meet some fine ladies there. Erik, I think J Tree will be a go, along with visiting my brother in Long Beach for some surfing.
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