Reasons to not refer to the "rope up" as a gettogether of dirtbag climbers:
1)dirtbagers don't like waitin 30min to tr some easy ass 5.8
2)dirtbagers, although always willin to show up for free gear, don't want to pay for rafel tickets.
3)dirtbag gatherings ussally consist of a hand full of good buddies and a fith of crown, or other such fine liquer, and the squated campsite,closest to the handful of nonlocal hotties up for the weekend,
4)true dirtbagers are an endangered species and due to the rope up confusion, dirtbagers nation wide are getin offended and therby actually showering and shaving as well as swichtin to sport climbin.
hopfully we can clear up this confusion soon before its to late:
truly up urs