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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. " will ropegun for beer sex or food" "it's hard to be happy when you get you nutts suck in the crack." " if you lose a nutt it'll cost ya, if i lose one i'll be sure to thank ya." mine says "Expect resistance" " did you ever think that maybe you are the weird one" but i almst never where it ..
  2. i head for smith.. any one want to car pool from b'ham?
  3. young hookers are better because you can't teach an old bitch how to perform new tricks
  4. ah fuck it.... no worries we can down climb from there... oh hey did you tie a knoooo... (at the end of the line)
  5. thunder monkey was tore down as far as i know
  6. whirlwind

    For Muffy

    muffy and i alawys knew tihs, graet mnids thnik alkie
  7. probly a good plan tell them to move to bellingham mike and MrE i am down just depends on what my working hrs will be when i find a job
  8. i confess i did it
  9. rubing your ducky is what makes bath time ohhh so fun
  10. in tennis shoe no less sorry bout ur lungs i told ya you should stop smoking crack and just climb it instead
  11. living naked in a garden with the opisite sex only leads to the origal sin, which is the worst of all sins, eating apples
  12. why 11d's thats 5 and one half 's why not 10 or 12 hey muffster whats crackin
  13. thats just so wrong and yet quite humerous at the same time
  14. i am always a say late and a dollar shot thats awsome 5 doll airs... sue key sue key, bee low view log dime
  15. tell my boss to pay me and i'll be happy to go right now
  16. whirlwind

    Math Problem

    more like 8.5 or 9
  17. funny how people automattically think protesters are "hippies" or always lefties and democrates, but i bet half the people out there were, or atleast use to be consevitive republicans. any way where can i find some info on the next gathering?
  18. if it looks good, you've probly had enough to drink ... so do it, but don't take it home
  19. maybe... what are the pros and cons, other than the obious lack of granite splitters is constrution down there really booming? any links or good pappers to check out for jobs and houseing? thankx WW
  20. whirlwind

    Weekend Thread

    cutie vroomies are now evil bitter switches from hell.... actually i moved out at the end of last month my new roommate drank some of the yager and beer with me
  21. yeah but you wont climb with me
  22. whirlwind

    Weekend Thread

    bla bla and more bla, stayed up till 5am worked 7am to 3 on sat stayed up till 230 or 3 am and worked 7am to 12 on sunday and somewhere in this time frame maneged to kill off a 5th or jose' by myself and a 5th of yager (of which i drank about 3/4) along with copious amounts of beer gosh what a productive weekend can't wait till next weekend
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