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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. isn't it "affecting"?
  2. oh yeah the warning applies to potato chips too
  3. A proposed warning on french fries: "This product contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause cancer."
  4. I doubt that oilman Bush would do anything about it anyway... There's also lots of talk of repealing the gas tax, in Washington and several other states, but that doesn't bode well for the states' budgets.
  5. gas prices going up again edit: thought this was inneresting... Governors Ask for Inquiry on Oil Prices By THE NEW YORK TIMES Published: September 21, 2005 CHICAGO, Sept. 20 - The governors of eight states sent a letter on Tuesday to President Bush and Congress calling for an investigation into profits made by oil companies after Hurricane Katrina and asking for legislation that would require the companies to refund to customers any profits deemed excess. "When the wholesale price of gas went up by 60 cents almost overnight, oil companies were obviously using the most devastating natural disaster in our nation's history to reap a windfall at the expense of American consumers," said the letter, which was initiated by Gov. James E. Doyle of Wisconsin and was signed by governors from Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington. "To price-gouge consumers under normal circumstances is dishonest enough," the letter stated, "but to make money off the severe misfortune of others is downright immoral." The letter cited an analysis by Donald A. Nichols, an economics professor at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, who reported that gas prices surged disproportionately compared with crude oil price increases. The price markup from crude oil to gasoline has almost tripled since the hurricane, the report said.
  6. yes I thought so too!
  7. The position of Hurricane Rita at 10:15 a.m. ET, according to the National Hurricane Center. (NOAA)
  8. snoboy - brilliant hack but it still doesn't get me into the premium content (and my beloved Krugman).
  9. New Deathcab CD "Plans"...s'alright. But I find myself having re-discovered MM "good news for people who like bad news" and yearning for their new CD
  10. yeah there seem to be plenty in the recycling bin at Starbucks
  11. NYTimes.com is now charging for their premium content such as op ed pieces - all the stuff I love most. No more cut-and-paste editorials from me!
  12. I love that Clinton spoke out but I can't help but think that it's a calculated political ploy to bring attention to the Clintons in advance of Hillary's 2008 presidential bid. That's how suspicious of politicians I've become.
  13. ChrisT


    disgruntled liberal google programmer?
  14. Instead of spending all that money on Iraq, maybe the US gubmint could make all public transportation free. Yes, you heard me - FREE. They want people off the roads? They want people to take busses? So make it all free. No more fishing around for the exact change. Just hop on a bus on any corner. Just my grand pie in the sky solution to our energy woes.
  15. Under the "apple doesn't fall too far from the tree" department, my daughter has recently discovered Queen and she thinks they are the greatest rock band ever. Queen was the first concert I ever saw at Winterland in SF way back when...
  16. ChrisT


    Good points. You're very thoughtful for a bunglehead.
  17. ...or alzheimers as the case may be.
  18. But he'll be revered as an ex-president. They always are. People have short memories.
  19. I think it is already a felony in Arizona. The son of a friend of mine spent time in prison on a drunk driving conviction. It's considered assault with a deadly weapon.
  21. Well I know that Matt Groening and Lynda Barry went there - both cartoonists.
  22. Take this quiz and find out where you really stand politically - with Ghandi or Hitler? The Political Compass
  23. ...Evergreen State College on the board? I would love to hear about your experiences there - good or bad.
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